


it's easy to be nice to people you like, but being nice to people you hate, that's a skill.

[Ei aihetta]Lauantai 11.04.2009 05:29

lotal ny.

sammusin just äskö, mut must tuntuu et sammuun toho kans uuestaa iha just :D:D:D

roflmao :D

[Ei aihetta]Perjantai 10.04.2009 03:29

Hey, it's Detective Girlie and Mr. Apple.

[Ei aihetta]Tiistai 07.04.2009 23:49

Pete Yorn - Lose You

maailman upein biisi mitä o ikää tehty <3

en voi kuunnella tätä missää yleisel paikal ku alkaa itkettää iha homona :D

[Ei aihetta]Tiistai 07.04.2009 23:19

100 - You watch House everyday it airs, whatever episode it is. [yes]
99 - You ship a ship (that sounded weird). [yes :D]
98 - You have watched s1-s5. [manymany times..]
97 - You expect more than 12 seasons. [lots more!]
96 - If there are no 12 seasons you will start a petition. [definitely!]
95 - Or die! [for sure]
94 - You can name all the characters. [of course]
93 - In alphabetical order. [yes :D]
92 - You can name episodes. [always]
91 - By seasons [tottakai]
90 - By the best to worst moment of your ship. [yep]
89 - You know actors names. [kyllä, kaikkien]
87 - In order that they appear on the credits. [kyllä vaan :D]
86 - By their ages. [helppo]
85 - By their birthdays. [melkein..]
84 - You have buyed all the seasons that are available. [just 1&2.. 3-5 i have on comp]
83 - You have buyed the CD of artists that have been mentioned or played in the show. [downloaded
82 - You are sarcastic. [more than enough]
81 - You make fun of Australians by telling them they´re British. [dunno any aussies]
80 - You use Houseisms. [everyday]
79 - You are interested in medicine out of the blue. [yes!]
78 - You've learned at least 10 different definitions of weird illnesses. [probably 20..]
77 - You've learned how to spell them. [some of them..]
76 - You think you can get a degree just by watching the show. [naahh.. :D]
75 - You think you're a doctor.
74 - You're studying medicine just because of House. [this one im not guilty of :D]
73 - You diagnose the POTW. [we have no POTW]
72 - Even though you were wrong you say "Exactly what I thought". [sometimes.. :D]
71 - You want to meet the cast. [YESYESYESYESYES!!! <3]
70 - You want to do somebody of the cast. [Hugh Laurie 3 (;]
69 - You have stalked somebody of the cast. [also Hugh ;D]
68 - You make jokes that only a House fan will understand. [yes, and they go waste, 'cause my friends dont watch House as intimately as i do :D]
67 - You tell them in front of your friends/parents/family/boyfriend/girlfriend. [ in front of everybody]
66 - They stare at you weirdly. More than one time. [yes! :D]
65 - You are around 14-18 and you could marry Hugh Laurie if he asked to. [ohh yeeeeees.. <3]
64 - You have written down more than 5 fanfics about House. [probably more than 50]
63 - You dream about House. [yes]
62 - When they leave you a homework involving taking care of an egg that supposedly is your "son" you name him Gregory. [or Greg..]
61 - You dress him up like House and he actually has a cane and a bottle of vicodin. [:DD]
60 - You have studied Vicodin and know all about it. [not really..]
59 - When you're bored you watch House.
58 - When you're happy you watch House. [yep]
57 - When you´re sad you watch House. [yepyep]
56 - It doesn't matter how you feel you still watch House. [true]
55 - You have discussed with your biology teacher about a disease and you correct her. [would correct if i had biology in school]
54 - You are right.
53 - Whenever you see and old person with a cane you smile. [true]
52 - Or try to get the cane so you can use it. [thats just cruel :D i like it]
51 - You have bought a skirt like Cuddy's.
50 - It doesn't look good on you but you feel so Cuddy. [milf :D]
49 - You've learned how to catch pills with your mouth when throwing them to the air. [yep]
48 - You own movies where the cast members appear. [yessssss]
47 - Even though they only appear one minute.(Like LE in Daddy's Day Care but I still own it.) [yep]
46 - You have 10 different theories about why House is miserable. [more]
45 - You have discuss them. [yeah]
44 - You have publish them. [nope :D]
43 - You have an account in more than 5 sites that involve House. [4 :s]
42 - You have read loads of Fanfics. [yesyes :)]
41 - You know everything about everybodys life in House. [yepp]
40 - And off House. [yeah ;)]
39 - You have sent an invitation for your next birthday to HL.
38 - Or you have thought of it.
37 - You can say a whole episode in quotes. [yes, Half-Wit ;D]
36 - You can't wait for Mondays.
35 - You so want to see the next episode that you search for every spoiler available. [true]
34 - You respect Hookers for their important role in House. [not really :D]
33 - You cried when you watched Wilson's Heart (even though you didn't fancy Amber). [true!]
32 - You have cried over a Fanfic. [nooot..]
31 - You have cried literally over the spoiler that someone will die. [haven't red any spoilers about someones dead, but in the newest episode, when Kutner died, i cried my eyes out of my head!]
30 - You live your life in a House spot like Fanpop. [almost :D]
29 - Yoúr name is in the banner of House MD fans spot (which mine is not=_(). [sadly no..]
28 - You consider the fans you have met part of your family. [sure :D our little FanHouseFan-fam :D]
27 - You have been absent to a party 'cause House was on. [not a party, but something almost as important]
26 - You have bought the Sherlock Holmes series to see if he is really alike. [nope]
25 - You get excited when they say let them eat cake or just mention the word cake. [sure]
24 - When you're really excited 'bout something you say I want it to be Tuesday already (Chameron).
23 - You can list all the ships that exist. [sure]
22 - Including Twiggy and Thirteen [of course :D]
21 - You know who is Twiggy. [Chase..?]
20 - You have counted the seconds a kiss lasts (Huddy, hameron,Chameron,Foreteen.) [not really]
19 - Nobody can touch the TV when it's House time. [true]
18 - If they do, 5 minutes later they´re on the floor crying. [true!]
17 - You hate Tritter because of what he did. [but he got what he deserved.. the rectal probe :D]
16 - Hate isn't enough you want to kill him. [:o]
15 - When you're in a hospital you ask your doctor if they like Dr.House. [:D]
14 - Your doctor stares weirdly, later he does a really bad impression of House. [:DD]
13 - This number has become your favorite number. [Remy :)]
12 - You talk about House all the time. [guily]
11 - You want to live in LA. [YESYESYESYESYESYES!!!]
10 - You're planning to move to LA to see if you can get a job in House. [nahh, to move in neighbour of Hugh ;D]
9 - Or at least to have the possibility of stalking the cast. [true]
8 - You have searched in all sites if someone of the cast has a Blog. [no i havent, but i think i do now :D]
7 - You dressed up like House in Halloween [noo :D]
6 - You a fan of Hector. [Hector is cute <3 and now he is limbin' just like House :D]
5 - If you ever have a dog you're gonna call him that. [jepa]
4 - You don't believe in God anymore since you started watching House.
3 - You will ask for a motorbike when you're 21. [repsol ;D]
2 - You wasted your time writing this. [yeeess]
1 - You actually read all the options and see which ones you have made and which ones you're missing. [:D]

[Ei aihetta]Tiistai 07.04.2009 22:31

Sarkastinen vittuilija, jota kukaan ei tunnu ymmärtävän. Esittää coolia, nokkelaa ja välinpitämätöntä, mutta haluaa salaa auttaa ihmisiä. Haluaa olla surullinen ja onneton, koska siten on helpompaa. Menettänyt tärkeimmän ihmisen, omistaa yhden oikein hyvän ystävän ja omaa omituisen charmin, joka takaa että vaikka hän vittuilee tuttavilleen toistamiseen, nämä pysyvät hänen rinnallaan.

hmm.. me or Gregory House..?

[Ei aihetta]Lauantai 04.04.2009 16:15

eile meni aika lujaa, erhmBLÄÄ. mä taidan olla vielä pikkuse alkoholin vaikutuksen alaisena, tai itseasiassa aika paljonkin. ja mun pääs on bongorummut. eli pää hajoo. hedari. darrrra. oon iha kännis viel &lt;tuuletus&gt; keräsin katsei tos 15 min sit ku kävelin toho lähikauppaa ostaa krappemehui ja limskoi. nololol :D tekis kyl mieli men sinne kahveil, ku siel o kakkuu ja kaikkii herkkui, mut mul o vähä epävakaa olo. vähä noloo men krappekännis sin vaa dallailee. toisaalt en olis kyl ainoo krapulasankari ku siel o :D ma ei tiata yhta mita ma selita. mä oon iha kännis vaa.

joo, ja en ota vastuuta eilisist puheluist mitä oon soittanu tai mitä oon yleensäkää sanonu tai tehny.
toisaalt, en kyl just nyt muista et oisin sanonu ja/tai tehny mitää semmost mikä ois ehkä voinu satuttaa jotakuta henkisesti tai fyysisesti, mutta.. jos näin on kuitenkin käynyt, pidä asia omana tietonasi. kiitos <3

^ toi o iha varmuuden välttämiseks vaa :D

mä oon vielki kännis.

[Ei aihetta]Perjantai 03.04.2009 22:01

kEit! &lt;tuuletus&gt;

[Ei aihetta]Keskiviikko 01.04.2009 17:04

pelästyin oikeesti tota vartin aikarajaa tosa :D

ei mulla mitenkään riitä 15min/pvä :D

[Ei aihetta]Keskiviikko 01.04.2009 01:54

The Heavy - Colleen

ahh <3

[Ei aihetta]Sunnuntai 29.03.2009 20:02

i really gotta get a car.