


Ja jos jostain joskus löytyy jumala, ei se lapsekseen, kuvakseen, minua tunnista.

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MUHAHAHAHA hajosin kunnol;DDDDDLauantai 09.01.2010 03:08

Pikku Ville 8 v, kuten kaikki muutkin hänen ikäiset pojat, oli hyvin utelias. Hän oli kuullut paljon seksistä muilta pojilta ja mietti mielessään mitä se oikeastaan tarkoittaa. Eräänä päivänä hän tiedusteli asiaa äidiltään, joka hieman ujosteli. Suoraan kertomisen sijaan, hän kehotti Villeä piiloutumaan isosiskon huoneeseen verhojen taakse ja katsomaan mitä isosisko touhuaa illalla poikakaverinsa kanssa. Ville teki työtä käskettyä ja selvitti seuraavana päivänä asian näin:
Sisko ja sen poikakaveri istuivat ja juttelivat keskenään hetken. Sitten poikakaveri sammutti melkein kaikki valot ja alkoi halia ja pussailla siskoa. Luulen, että sisko oli tulossa kipeäksi, koska hänen ilmeensä näytti niin kummalliselta. Poikakaverikin ilmeisesti luuli niin, koska hän laittoi käden siskon paidan alle ja kokeili sydäntä, niinkuin lääkärikin tekee. Mutta hän ei ilmeisesti ollut niin taitava kuin lääkäri on. Hänellä näytti olevan vaikeuksia löytää sydän.
Hänkin näytti tulevan kipeäksi, sillä molemmat istuivat rauhattomasti ja olivat hengästyneitä. Hänen toinen kätensä oli varmaan kylmä, koska hän laittoi sen siskon mekon alle. Siskon tila vain paheni. Hän alkoi voihkia, huohottaa ja kiemurrella niin, että tippui melkein sohvalta. Kuume alkoi varmaan nousemaan.
Tiedän, että se oli kuumetta, sillä sisko sanoi olevansa niin kuuma. Lopuksi sain tietää mikä sai heidät niin sairaiksi. Suuri ankerias oli tullut poikakaverin housuun ja ponnahti yhtäkkiä esille. Se oli varmasti 25 cm pitkä, vannon sen!! Poikakaveri piti siitä tiukasti kiinni, ettei se karkaa. Sisko pelästyi aivan kamalasti kun näki sen. Hän alkoi huutaa Jumalaa tai jotain senkaltaista. Hän sanoi, että se on varmasti suurin minkä hän on eläessään nähnyt. Minä olisin kyllä voinut kertoa vielä suuremmasta, joka saatiin isin kanssa järveltä. Yhtäkkiä sisko tuli rohkeaksi ja yritti tappaa sen puremalla sitä päästä. Yhtäkkiä sisko kurlasi ja päästi irti siitä. Se varmasti puri siskoa. Myöhemmin sisko otti siitä kiinni kaksin käsin ja piti sitä tukevasti kun poikakaveri veti kuonokopan sen päälle. Poikakaveri asettui siskon ja taistelevan ankeriaan päälle. Sisko alkoi voihkia ja kiemurrella. Sitten ne tippuivat sohvalta. Luulen, että he yrittivät tappaa sen litistämällä väliinsä.
Hetken kuluttua ankerias lopetti kiemurtelemisen ja sisko ja sen kaveri hengittivät syvään. Sitten kaveri nousi pois ja niin he saivat tapettua sen. Tiedän, että se oli kuollut, koska se vain roikkui ja jotakin sisälmyksiä oli tullut ulos.
Sisko ja sen kaveri olivat väsyneitä taistelun jälkeen. Ne piristyivät kuitenkin pian, koska poika alkoi taas pussailla ja halia siskoa. Luulen, että ankeriaat ovat niinkuin kissat, niillä on useampi elämä. Tällä kertaa ne yritti tappaa sen niin, että sisko istui ja pomppi sen päällä. 25 minuutin taistelun jälkeen ankerias oli varmasti kuollut.
Tiedän, että se kuoli varmasti, koska poikakaveri nylki sen ja heitti nahan vessanpönttöön.

oh my fucking god!!! OMgWTFFFPerjantai 08.01.2010 23:31

I love italians <3

Jalat huutaa halleluuujaaPerjantai 08.01.2010 23:30

on se joo kiva :O ;D

Jalat huutaa halleluuujaaPerjantai 08.01.2010 21:55

on se joo kiva :O ;D

StalkkausTorstai 07.01.2010 21:50

on mun uus harrastus <3
vittu sä ja sun saatanan mikkihiiri klikkis painukaa takas kaaree imee vittu toistenne dikkii.

I've never seen a ass like thatTorstai 07.01.2010 17:07


Luv ya Eminem<3Torstai 07.01.2010 17:06

Lately I've been hard to reach
I've been too long on my own
Everybody has a private world
Where they can be alone
Are you calling me, are you trying to get through
Are you reaching out for me, and I'm reaching out for you

I'm just so fucking depressed
I just can seem to get out this slump
If I could just get over this hump
But I need something to pull me out this dump
I took my bruises, took my lumps
Fell down and I got right back up
But I need that spark to get psyched back up
And the right thing for me to pick that mic back up
I don't know how I pry away
And I ended up in this position I'm in
I starting to feel distant again
So I decided just to beat this pain
Up and tried to make an attempt to vent
But I just can't admit
Or come to grips, with the fact that
I may be done with rap
I need a new outlet
I know some shits so hard to swallow
And I just can't sit back and wallow
In my own sorrow
But I know one fact
I'll be one tough act to follow
One tough act to follow
One tough act to follow
Here today, gone tomorrow
But you have to walk a thousand miles

Walk my shoes, just to see
What it's like, to be me
I'll be you, let's trade shoes
Just to see what it'd be like to
Feel your pain, you feel mine
Go inside each other's mind
Just to see what we find
Looking shit through each other's eyes

But don't let 'em say you ain't beautiful oh
They can all get fucked. Just stay true to you so
Don't let 'em say you ain't beautiful oh
They can all get fucked. Just stay true to you

I think I'm starting to lose my sense of humor
Everything is so tense and gloom
I almost feel like I gotta check the temperature in the room
Just as soon as I walk in
It's like all eyes on me
So I try to avoid any eye contact
Cause if I do that then it opens a door to conversation
Like I want that...
I'm not looking for extra attention
I just want to be just like you
Blend in with the rest of the room
Maybe just point me to the closest restroom
I don't need fucking man serving
Trying to follow me around, and wipe my ass
Laugh at every single joke I crack
And half of them ain't even funny like that
Ahh Marshall, you're so funny man, you should be a comedian, god damn
Unfortunately I am, but I just hide behind the tears of a clown
So why don't you all sit down
Listen to the tale I'm about to tell
Hell, we don't have to trade our shoes
And you don't have to walk no thousand miles


But don't let 'em say you ain't beautiful oh
They can all get fucked. Just stay true to you so
Don't let 'em say you ain't beautiful oh
They can all get fucked. Just stay true to you so

Nobody asked for life to deal us
With these bullshit hands with doubt
We have to take these cards ourselves
And flip them, don't expect no help
Now I could have either just
Sat on my ass and pissed and moaned
But take this situation in which I'm placed in
And get up and get my own
I was never the type of kid
To wait but I know to unpack his bags
Never sat on the porch and hoped and prayed
For a dad to show up who never did
I just wanted to fit in
Every single place
Every school I went
I dreamed of being that cool kid
Even if it meant acting stupid
Aunt Edna always told me
Keep making that face till it gets stuck like that
Meanwhile I'm just standing there
Holding my tongue up trying to talk like this
Till I stuck my tongue on the frozen stop sign poll at 8 years old
I learned my lesson and cause I wasn't trying to impress my friends no more
But I already told you my whole life story
Not just based on my description
Cause where you see it from where you're sitting
Is probably 110% different
I guess we would have to walk a mile
In each other's shoes, at least
What size you where?
I wear tens
Let's see if you can fit your feet



Lately I've been hard to reach
I've been too long on my own
Everybody has a private world
Where they can be alone... so
Are you calling me, are you trying to get through oh
Are you reaching out for me, and I'm reaching out for you so

Yea... To my babies. Stay strong. Daddy will be home soon
And to the rest of the world, god gave you the shoes
That fit you, so put em on and wear em
And be yourself man, be proud of who you are
Even if it sounds corny,
Don't ever let no one tell you, you ain't beautiful

Luv ya Eminem<3Keskiviikko 06.01.2010 16:43

Lately I've been hard to reach
I've been too long on my own
Everybody has a private world
Where they can be alone
Are you calling me, are you trying to get through
Are you reaching out for me, and I'm reaching out for you

I'm just so fucking depressed
I just can seem to get out this slump
If I could just get over this hump
But I need something to pull me out this dump
I took my bruises, took my lumps
Fell down and I got right back up
But I need that spark to get psyched back up
And the right thing for me to pick that mic back up
I don't know how I pry away
And I ended up in this position I'm in
I starting to feel distant again
So I decided just to beat this pain
Up and tried to make an attempt to vent
But I just can't admit
Or come to grips, with the fact that
I may be done with rap
I need a new outlet
I know some shits so hard to swallow
And I just can't sit back and wallow
In my own sorrow
But I know one fact
I'll be one tough act to follow
One tough act to follow
One tough act to follow
Here today, gone tomorrow
But you have to walk a thousand miles

Walk my shoes, just to see
What it's like, to be me
I'll be you, let's trade shoes
Just to see what it'd be like to
Feel your pain, you feel mine
Go inside each other's mind
Just to see what we find
Looking shit through each other's eyes

But don't let 'em say you ain't beautiful oh
They can all get fucked. Just stay true to you so
Don't let 'em say you ain't beautiful oh
They can all get fucked. Just stay true to you

I think I'm starting to lose my sense of humor
Everything is so tense and gloom
I almost feel like I gotta check the temperature in the room
Just as soon as I walk in
It's like all eyes on me
So I try to avoid any eye contact
Cause if I do that then it opens a door to conversation
Like I want that...
I'm not looking for extra attention
I just want to be just like you
Blend in with the rest of the room
Maybe just point me to the closest restroom
I don't need fucking man serving
Trying to follow me around, and wipe my ass
Laugh at every single joke I crack
And half of them ain't even funny like that
Ahh Marshall, you're so funny man, you should be a comedian, god damn
Unfortunately I am, but I just hide behind the tears of a clown
So why don't you all sit down
Listen to the tale I'm about to tell
Hell, we don't have to trade our shoes
And you don't have to walk no thousand miles


But don't let 'em say you ain't beautiful oh
They can all get fucked. Just stay true to you so
Don't let 'em say you ain't beautiful oh
They can all get fucked. Just stay true to you so

Nobody asked for life to deal us
With these bullshit hands with doubt
We have to take these cards ourselves
And flip them, don't expect no help
Now I could have either just
Sat on my ass and pissed and moaned
But take this situation in which I'm placed in
And get up and get my own
I was never the type of kid
To wait but I know to unpack his bags
Never sat on the porch and hoped and prayed
For a dad to show up who never did
I just wanted to fit in
Every single place
Every school I went
I dreamed of being that cool kid
Even if it meant acting stupid
Aunt Edna always told me
Keep making that face till it gets stuck like that
Meanwhile I'm just standing there
Holding my tongue up trying to talk like this
Till I stuck my tongue on the frozen stop sign poll at 8 years old
I learned my lesson and cause I wasn't trying to impress my friends no more
But I already told you my whole life story
Not just based on my description
Cause where you see it from where you're sitting
Is probably 110% different
I guess we would have to walk a mile
In each other's shoes, at least
What size you where?
I wear tens
Let's see if you can fit your feet



Lately I've been hard to reach
I've been too long on my own
Everybody has a private world
Where they can be alone... so
Are you calling me, are you trying to get through oh
Are you reaching out for me, and I'm reaching out for you so

Yea... To my babies. Stay strong. Daddy will be home soon
And to the rest of the world, god gave you the shoes
That fit you, so put em on and wear em
And be yourself man, be proud of who you are
Even if it sounds corny,
Don't ever let no one tell you, you ain't beautiful

KIIDI<3Tiistai 05.01.2010 21:51

Thaks for u girls<3333