



(c) Elina LappalainenMaanantai 05.01.2009 13:54

I'll always be with you... no matter what happens. I am your guardian angel... Always to protect you. Sorry for this little misshap. I will make it up to you. Now farewell my love. I'll meet you in the next life. And then I'll do it good!

* * *

This little thought, little whisper in my ear. Told me to listen, told me to understand. Told me to let go. Forget all the pain, all the sorrow. Yesterday was to be, tomorrow is to come. One day you will understand all your worries being meaningless. All your envy and pain become null. Tears is to be let in yesterday. Tomorrow goes with happy faces.
'Happy?' I asked and all I could hear was silence. Nothing was changed, nothing was the way it used to be. I felt the warmth in my chest and for the first time in ages, I smiled.

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