


Can we vittu go ny!?

Don't push me dah! ;)Torstai 12.03.2009 13:56

I’m a love ‘em and leave ‘em
Touch and tease ‘em kinda girl
IÂ’m the perfect type
For one wild night

Yeah, I suffocate quick
Does that make me a bitch?
I donÂ’t really care, no

Well your roses were sweet
Really swept me off my feet
But I start to choke
When you say letÂ’s elope

Yeah, I suffocate quick
Does that make me a bitch
I donÂ’t really care, no, no, no!!

Can we take a bubble bath have a drink and a laugh
Enjoy what we have and then leave it to the past

‘Cause I don’t give a damn
Maybe youÂ’re the perfect man
ThatÂ’s not how this story goes

You can write me fat checks for the diamonds for my neck
Buy a big fat ring, I prefer Tiffany's

‘Cause I don’t give a damn
Baby youÂ’re the perfect man
ThatÂ’s not how this story goes, no no!

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