
IHANA KAPPALE!Torstai 23.10.2008 23:48

Kerli - Fragile

You think you know me
And everything that you consider me
You think you know my name
You think you know me
And everything you get a chance to see
You think you know my face
You think you know my face

You think you see me
And everything that you consider me
You think I'm more than you
You think you see me
You like the way I'm strong and stand by you
But I am fragile too
I am fragile too

Yeah I'll be fine
As the time goes by
It may hurt it might
But I will be fine
I will be just fine

You think they know me
And everything that they consider me
They think I never cry
They are thinking
While they're making up their twisted lies
She won't mind she is nice
She's as cold as ice

You think you've seen me
And everything that you consider me
You think I'm more than you
You think you've seen me
You like the way I'm strong and stand by you
But I am fragile too
I am fragile too (3x)
Just by you

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