
..Maanantai 12.12.2005 22:42

Damn this album is hot.

Afu-Ra - State of the Arts


pre-marriage hang-around.Lauantai 03.12.2005 20:21

Today I'm going to my friend's bachelor party, skipped all the activities, but still I'm going to go to sauna with them and drink a few (dozen) beers.


money comes, money goes.Lauantai 03.12.2005 18:16

Bought a laptop today.

gathering of idiots.Perjantai 02.12.2005 05:13

Forgot to mention that helped two little youngsters to push their car out of a ditch tonight. They couldn't been more than 19years old and were driving a... surprise, surprise.. Ford Sierra from the early '90's.. They shouldn't give cars with rear-wheel drive to those kind of idiots..

the driver was a fucking moron, he wondered how the car ended in the ditch, after all he had driven very carefully.. yeah, right. (The car was in the ditch about 15 meters from a intersection and the road was covered with ice and on top of the ice there was 5cm of snow.. and accordind to the quite neat marks on the road just after the intersection the car was drifting pretty nicely.. very careful and skillful driving indeed.) Well, at least I got myself in a good mood. :)

[Ei aihetta]Perjantai 02.12.2005 04:58

Oh yeah, and it has snowed a lot! Not much more and Messilä will open. Yeay!

alive still.Perjantai 02.12.2005 04:57

Week's almost over, been quite easy week, wonder how next week's going to be, 'cause I have night shift&school also.. Now back to writing distance assignments to "Corporate Law" -course..

still hanging.

tired.Tiistai 29.11.2005 00:55

first day at work. Feeling quite tired. I'm quite glad that I don't have any school tomorrow, and can sleep late. Next week is going to be exhausting, I have a night shift (22-06) and school from 8 to 17 from tuesday to friday with compulsory attendance. Yeay!

now one cigarette, tea and bed.

another week closer to Christmas.Maanantai 28.11.2005 02:24

It was a considerably mild and relaxing sunday afternoon. Got to my parents and went for a walk with the dogs and took a nap of couple of hours.

I'm still here, and was planning to spend the night here and go for a run in the morning, for it's so much nicer to run here in the woods than in the city. I don't if it was the traditional hangover-depression or what but I decided to pay some more effort to my school. This fall has just gone by without or at least with very little interest on education.

Checked out the prices of season tickets to Messilä and they are sky high. 330 euros for maximum of 4 months of snowboarding. Pretty damn expensive to a student. But my enthusiasm for this sport is however so great that I'll propably buy the ticket anyway.

This week is on to a good start, or at least the feeling is much better than on the whole previous week.

Screw last week, Yeay this week.

The end.Sunnuntai 27.11.2005 18:09

Weekend is almost over and starting to feel some signs of my hangover approaching. Seems that it's not going to be a massive one, for which I'm very grateful.

Now I'm trying to get myself together for I've very wisely promised to my parents that I'd go there today and have dinner..

It should snow more, for I wanna get on my snowboard.

wild weekend continues.Sunnuntai 27.11.2005 00:10

at my friend's birthday party atm, just trying to get drunk, it's difficult however for this is the third evening in a row for me.. but a mans gotta do what a mans gotta do..

party on.