
^^Keskiviikko 24.01.2007 18:50

teka- You are the best! :))

päivitin blogiaTiistai 23.01.2007 04:50

päivitinpäs blogin sivuphjat ahrikkalaisemmiks ;)

joo-oh.Maanantai 22.01.2007 14:28

Nyt on sit BA:n matkustamohenkilökunta menos lakkoon.. :)
eli jos myöhästyn nairobin koneest sunnuntai-iltana ni sit onkin mielenkiintoista. :)

jeejee.Tiistai 16.01.2007 14:47

kirjoittelenpa ite tässä työtodistuksiani ja meen kohta allekirjoituttaan ne pomolla. ok meininki. ^^

hilpeätä.Maanantai 15.01.2007 17:01

Tänää ottaan keltakuumerokotus ja havrixin tehoste, tänää pitäs kanssa aloittaa malarian estolääkitys, lueskelen netistä näitä Lariamin haittavaikutuksia, vitun kivan kuulosta..:

"Meflokiini voi aiheuttaa haittavaikutuksia, joista tavallisimmat ovat pahoinvointi, huimaus ja vatsaoireet. Myös univaikeuksia voi esiintyä. Harvinaisia meflokiinin haittavaikutuksia ovat kouristukset ja masennuskohtaukset, joita ilmenee yleensä niillä, joilla jo ennen lääkitystä on ollut samanlaisia oireita. Harvinaisena komplikaationa on raportoitu myös psykoosia."

20vkoa sit pitäs tota lääkettä vetää.. diipadaipa ja sillee..

kipeenä.Keskiviikko 03.01.2007 12:13

iski joku vitun oksennustautikuumeflunssa. vitun kivaa ku taho vesikää pysyy sisäl.

Hyvää Joulua!Lauantai 23.12.2006 19:10

och samma på svenska, God Jul!
and same in English, Merry Christmas!

eli kaikille tutuille ja tuntemattomille erittäin hyvää Joulua!

41 days..Maanantai 18.12.2006 12:21

Yep, that much left, then off to Kisumu..

Same shit, different year.Torstai 14.12.2006 14:20

Quoting myself from last year's December:

"I remember when as a kid, Christmas was something that you'd wait for the whole year, or at least half a year, the other half you would wait for your birthday :)

Now there's three nights till Christmas and I still haven't got any sort of Christmas feeling, anxiety at most. Still haven't bought any of the few christmas presents I'm going to give, probably 'cause I don't have any money until paycheck comes on friday. It's going to be fuckin' hilarious to try to get all the presents bought in four hours, 'cause this week I have the evening shift from 14 to 22. Well, I don't think that there's going to be so many people in the city on the eve of Christmas eve.. (yeah, right).

Well anyway back to the subject, I don't know is it the commerciality or what that has taken away my christmas spirit. I just don't think that it's very reasonable to start selling and advertising christmas in the middle of June. Then after Christmas the sales begin and continue until June. It's a vicious circle. This is starting to sound a little hypocrite, but people have, including me also, forgot the meaning of christmas. Whether the true meaning is the pagan feast or the celebration of the birth of Jesus.

The last paragraph was so hypocrite that I want to puke.

The point, before going hypocrite, was that when I was a kid, the Christmases were full of joy (probably 'cause of the presents), staying up so late that you wanted (a big thing to a 7-year old) and holiday from school. Nowadays it's full of stress and asphyxiation from all the commercials of wonderful new toys that will eat, drink and go to take a dump for you.
Merry Christmas indeed.

Squirrels are mean bastards."

Yep, still have same fiilings though this year my paycheck comes this friday, so I probably will have time to purchase all of the gifts.

Man, I was going fuckin' philosophical last year. :)