


Mä haluisin käyttää sun reisiä korvaläppinä.

Uusimmat blogimerkinnät

hardTiistai 12.01.2010 16:08

Who think they test me now
Run through yo town
IÂ’ll shut it down
Brilliant, resilient
Fan mail from 27 million

And I want it all
ItÂ’s gonna take more than that
hope that ainÂ’t all you got
I need it all
The money, the fame, the cars, the clothes

I canÂ’t just let you run up on me like that (all on me like that)
I see you aiminÂ’ at my pedastal
So I think I gotta let ya know

That I, I, I, IÂ’m so hard
A yeah, yeah, yeah, IÂ’m so hard
That I, I, I, IÂ’m so hard
A yeah, yeah, yeah, IÂ’m so hard
That I, I, I, IÂ’m so hard
A yeah, yeah, yeah, IÂ’m so hard
So hard, so hard, so hard, so hard

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