

Käyntejä: 4 090 (1.7.2008 alkaen)
90 jäsentä
Tyttöjä: 51 (57 %)
Poikia: 39 (43 %)
29,3 vuotta
Otos: 48 jäsentä
Tyttöjen keski-ikä: 29,9 vuotta
Poikien keski-ikä: 28,8 vuotta

Jäsenet (90)

« Uudemmat - Vanhemmat »

caligodea- die die die dieLuonut: caligodeaMaanantai 07.05.2012 22:32

- shut the fuck up and get the hell outta' my fuckin' life ,
i don't fuckin' wanna' see ya never ever again ya stupid hoe ,
i'll rip ur head off !

-zombies are cooler than u , ur as dead as them , or ur soul is ,
oh , you don't actually have a soul !


miseryway!Luonut: miserywayTorstai 27.10.2011 19:20

donÂ’t like me? your problem.
canÂ’t stand me? sit down.
canÂ’t face me? turn around.
think i care? think again.

m0nkeymanfuck me like the whore i am.Luonut: m0nkeymanKeskiviikko 14.09.2011 20:19

4xy-5x+2b=b2-2:6xy ...
Fuck this shit i'll be a stripper

m0nkeymantime to say goodbyeLuonut: m0nkeymanMaanantai 29.08.2011 20:27

you don't believe in the devil, you don't believe in God.

Evelleve-[Ei aihetta]Luonut: Evelleve-Torstai 22.07.2010 02:46


chi__I..Luonut: chi__Perjantai 15.01.2010 11:36

I hate everythink
about you! i
hate you hate,
why do i love you?
I kill myself in small amounts
In each relationship it's not
About love.
Just another funeral and
Just another girl left in tears.
And I'm waiting
With the sound turned off
I'm waiting
Like a glass balloon
And I'm fading
Into the void and then
I'm gone, I'm gone, I'm gone...
They said that hell's not hot
They said that hell's not hot
I gave my soul to someone else
She must have known that
It was already sold.
It was never about her,
It was about the hurt.
I'm waiting
Like a glass balloon
And I'm fading
Into the void and then
I'm gone, I'm gone, I'm gone...
They said that hell's not hot
They said that hell's not hot
I kill myself in small amounts
In each relationship it's not
About love.
Just another funeral and
Just another girl left in tears.
And I'm waiting
With the sound turned off
I'm waiting
Like a glass balloon
And I'm fading
Into the void and then
I'm gone, I'm gone, I'm gone...
They said that hell's not hot
They said that hell's not hot

MIKKISMOI[Ei aihetta]Luonut: MIKKISMOISunnuntai 07.06.2009 03:04

oot tyhmä, poistu mun elämästä, vihaan sua, teit mun elämäst yht helvettii, tapa ittes, en kaipaa sua enää, en koskaa enää.

espah[Ei aihetta]Luonut: espahPerjantai 19.09.2008 17:31

why the hell should you care?
« Uudemmat - Vanhemmat »