

Elämänkatsomus ja filosofia
Käyntejä: 6 316 (1.7.2008 alkaen)
22 jäsentä
Tyttöjä: 7 (32 %)
Poikia: 15 (68 %)
44,6 vuotta
Otos: 13 jäsentä
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Poikien keski-ikä: 43,4 vuotta

Jäsenet (22)

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KosmosshamaaniSuurin on rakkausLuonut: KosmosshamaaniPerjantai 12.03.2010 03:27

1 Vaikka minä puhuisin ihmisten ja enkelien kielillä mutta minulta puuttuisi rakkaus, olisin vain kumiseva vaski tai helisevä symbaali.
2 Vaikka minulla olisi profetoimisen lahja, vaikka tuntisin kaikki salaisuudet ja kaiken tiedon ja vaikka minulla olisi kaikki usko, niin että voisin siirtää vuoria, mutta minulta puuttuisi rakkaus, en olisi mitään. [1. Kor. 12:8,9 | Matt. 17:20]
3 Vaikka jakaisin kaiken omaisuuteni nälkää näkeville ja vaikka antaisin polttaa itseni tulessa mutta minulta puuttuisi rakkaus, en sillä mitään voittaisi.
4 Rakkaus on kärsivällinen, rakkaus on lempeä. Rakkaus ei kadehdi, ei kersku, ei pöyhkeile, [1. Piet. 4:8]
5 ei käyttäydy sopimattomasti, ei etsi omaa etuaan, ei katkeroidu, ei muistele kärsimäänsä pahaa, [Room. 13:10; 1. Kor. 10:24,33; Fil. 2:4]
6 ei iloitse vääryydestä vaan iloitsee totuuden voittaessa. [2. Joh. 4; 3. Joh. 4]
7 Kaiken se kestää, kaikessa uskoo, kaikessa toivoo, kaiken se kärsii. [Sananl. 10:12]
8 Rakkaus ei koskaan katoa. Mutta profetoiminen vaikenee, kielillä puhuminen lakkaa, tieto käy turhaksi.
9 Tietämisemme on näet vajavaista ja profetoimisemme on vajavaista, [1. Kor. 8:2]
10 mutta kun täydellinen tulee, vajavainen katoaa. [Ef. 4:13]
11 Kun olin lapsi, minä puhuin kuin lapsi, minulla oli lapsen mieli ja lapsen ajatukset. Nyt, kun olen mies, olen jättänyt sen mikä kuuluu lapsuuteen.
12 Nyt katselemme vielä kuin kuvastimesta, kuin arvoitusta, mutta silloin näemme kasvoista kasvoihin. Nyt tietoni on vielä vajavaista, mutta kerran se on täydellistä, niin kuin Jumala minut täydellisesti tuntee. [1. Kor. 8:3; 2. Kor. 3:18; 1. Joh. 3:2]
13 Niin pysyvät nämä kolme: usko, toivo, rakkaus. Mutta suurin niistä on rakkaus. [1. Tess. 5:8]
Ahdingossani minä rukoilen sinua armahtamaan maan lapsoset, sinun pelastuksen tulemiseen asti, jolloin luopio on uudelleen syntynyt, jolloin veri ei virtaa kansojen keskellä ja joilloin taudit eivät saastuta kansaasi oi Sinä, Suuri Jumala.

Valon korjaavan päivän, sen päivän minä olen tuleva sinulle valmistamaan. Minä peltojen kyntäjä, siemenien viljelijä, satosi korjaaja. Sillä totuudellinen on avun huutosi kansasi suulta, pienoistesi itku virsi sydämmistä. Auttamaan kristus on asetettu, sekä armosi pelastukseksi kansoille siunattu.

Silmäni näkevät kaukaa tulvivan vihan "suuren sodan alun", jonka esteenä olemme asettavat, jos sydämmemme eivät rauhaan kansojen kesken taivu. Kuin ilmarisen lintuinen, sinä asetit siipeni suojelemaan karitsojasi. Tulkitsija, tukijasi olkoon tulleita valtakuntaasi asutettaviksi, nuo edenin kasvavat kukat, jotka rauhan aurinkoon asetit valoon kasvamaan.

Arkki enkelit kutsutut, estämään tuon suru näytelmän, jonka ennustin. Jokaisesta varoituksestasi asettakoon kansasi lapsosesi kertomaan kansoille miten toimia pitää viisaan kulkijan. Herran suojassa nuo vaeltakoon, vaikka läpi myrskyjen ja piikkilankojen. Sanoit, minä vaellan kansojen keskellä ja olen puhuttava kaikkia kansoja. Sanasi sekä opetuksesi ojennan. Lukekoon ja kuulkoon kansa karitsan saapuvan, valkeudessasi astelevan viisauttesi eteen, joita paimeniksi kutsuttuva on. Kaikki tammen alta pois, jotka oppivat, tukemaan ja tulemaan vastaan eksyneitä, jotta oppisivat hekin viisaasti taidolla kulkemaan ja riemulla luomaan.Luomis työmme hedelmä rakkaudella kasvakoon sinun kättesi alla ja vanhurskaita kulkijat sinun nimissään olkoon toteuttaessaan Edenin kasvatuksen.

Sana sanasta, teko teosta. Ylistäköön kansa sinua Herra, sinun toiveitasi toteuttaen, jottei tuho meidän satoamme veisi. Jokaisella on osansa arkin luomis työssä ja jokainen on tuleva kuuliaiseksi Herran sanojesi kautta, sekä tekojesi. Anteeksi antavainen olkoon jokainen joka sinuun turvaa ymmärryksellään. Sillä, jokainen on tuleva eteesi itsensä kautta ja kutsutuksi kutsumukseensa ja Herran asettamaan työhön, jota profeetat suojelevat ja jota Herra palkitsee armollaan. Kutakin ansiollaan sydämmensä annosta. Vapauta itsesi ihminen paatuvasta sydämmestä ja kunnioita itseäsi, ettet köyhyyteen ja vääryyteen kulkisi. Kunnioita Herraa, sekä kunnioita asemaasi sinä kutsuttu, sillä aika muutoksien on tuleva.

Joni, your Life Path of 9 ...

You are a deeply spiritual individual who often displays a deep interest in religion or the occult at a very early age. In fact many nines grow up to be psychics, healers, priests and nuns. You probably feel responsible for keeping up the morality or spirit of mankind in some way, or even responsible for their very souls. This is why many nines also end up working for the law as policemen or judges or in some aspect of spiritual or psychological counseling.

The emphasis of your life path is on finding ways to communicate the divinity of man in a practical context. As many nines are also very artistic, this connection with the higher powers might also be expressed through a talent such as writing, music or painting.

At some point in your life you have probably sworn to yourself to make this world a better place. You are extremely compassionate and feel above the matters that you feel causes factions of society to be divided. You are very aware of feeling as insignificant as a grain of sand in the Universe and believe that materialism, prejudice and lust just don't matter in the long run.

You have a charismatic and very open personality that attracts you a lot of friends. You are very social, sometimes at the expense of your other responsibilities. Sometimes a number nine might take too much time out during the day "to smell the flowers" and incur the resentment of those that are left to pick up the slack.

Your attitude towards life in general is very selfless and you usually have a good connection with God or a higher power. However often the number 9 faces a unique challenge at some point in his or her life that seems to be a test of faith. Usually this incident takes the form of a devastating personal loss, disease or some sort of tragedy. This triggers a period of time that lasts a few years that is often called the "dark night of the soul." It is usually during this period of your life that you find the extreme courage and strength to become what is called a wounded healer.

Your life may seem too tough to handle at times which makes you vulnerable to finding substitutes for the family unit. As you are naturally very lonely and insecure, you are particularly vulnerable to joining a cult or becoming fanatical in the religious sense.

If you are a number nine you may find your life seems more difficult than others. This is because it is common human nature to take advantage of your compassion, empathy and generosity. It may seem unfair to you that others do not appreciate the spiritual gifts that you have to offer, especially when you demand so little materially from the world. This is part of the problematic path of the number 9 who is often fated to learn that the path of true compassionate does not necessarily result in spiritual rewards for the healer either.

Although you may feel quite clear about your divine purpose and goals in life, others may perceive you as weird or spacey. This is why it is often difficult for a number 9 to keep a job for long. Relationships might also be very difficult for a 9 to sustain, as this particular path is a rather lonely one. Part of the 9's spiritual development is usually being presented with situations that force them to let go of emotional situations and connections that might interfere with the higher purpose that the cosmos has in store for them.

Joni, your Expression of 4 ...
Your Potential Natural Talents and Abilities

The height of self-expression for you is when you are caught up on all of your work, the house is clean, the bills are paid and everything is in perfect order. You are the number that covets civilization and all of its contents the most. If life could be defined as a machine you are the nuts and bolts that holds everything together.

You believe that action speaks volumes more than words and express your respect and love for others by using a practical down-to-earth approach. You believe the greatest path to your own personal truth is to live by your personal convictions. For this reason, you are often very concerned with taking care of yourself, maintaining your belongings and property and making sure that your family and children are well cared for.

You are a diligent, hard worker who is always willing to lend a helping hand but only if it is for the good of all concerned. You don't have much patience with arrogant people and you openly express your dislike of people you consider to be controlling or pushy. Sometimes this resistance expresses itself as an outright defiance of authority. You are very courageous and almost always right but often your willingness to fall on your own sword for the sake of principle also makes you "dead right."

You love nature and especially gardening and landscaping. You may express your love for the earth by participating in ecological and animal preservation causes. Number 4's often also own many pets and many relate to their pets better than they relate to people.

As you can be quite rigid in your opinions, you often end up in many arguments. One of your challenges may be to learn to express yourself in a way that does not seem autocratic or bossy to others. You also have very strong likes and dislikes that can seem prejudiced or overly biased to others. This can hold you back both professionally and personally.

When it comes to love you is a very attentive and loyal partner. Sometimes to get attention you may play with a lover's insecurities. Among your negative tendencies is creating jealousy or suspicion on purpose or being obsessive or possessive.

Your role in society is to create structures that bring fulfillment to the highest of human aspirations. You are a wonderful planner and administrator and you know how to facilitate organizations and services that meet people's needs. Many fours are skilled at carpentry, sewing, horticulture, and interior decoration. Many of you are good with your hands, which make you excellent sculptors and surgeons.

You are creative, intelligent and have an attentiveness to detail that can border on obsession. Your self-discipline and willingness to practice until something is perfect also leads fours to careers in performance, especially athletics and music.

Your personal style is casual yet tasteful. Your budget often also determines what you wear, as you don't believe in spending money foolishly. You judge people by their inner beauty and not their outer appearance. The people you judge most favorably, however are those that agree with your opinions.

Your insistence on financial security, charity and the stewardship of the young often makes you a pillar of the community at a very young age. The passing down of wisdom is often how a number four can best express their love of their community.

Joni, your Soul Urge of 6 ...

What You Desire To Be, To Have, and To Do In Your Life

Your soul urge is to nurture and take care of others. You love people and believe the greatest expression of your inner divinity is through teaching and guidance. Many of you are very maternal or paternal at an early age and are often regulated, by default to the role of advisor or therapist in your social life.

Unfortunately your willingness to take on other people's burdens threatens your romantic relationships. This is because you are often perceived as a friend or a helper rather than as an object of desire. The result is that many sixes end up with broken hearts simply because others simply could not recognize their empathy as being an expression of love and desire.

Part of your challenge in life is to learn how to make yourself more sexually attractive to others. Often this means learning the brutal rules of the game of love, which in courtship often mean practicing a certain kinds of power plays and being mysterious. The mistake that you often make is letting yourself be too available to the person you are trying to attract. As the object of desire realizes that you are willing to be there for them no matter what, they take it for granted that you will settle for less. It is often a six who will spend a year comforting someone they are attracted to in the hopes the person will recognize their good heart, only to be dismayed when they are thanked for all their kind support and the person moves onto a romance with someone else.

Your candidness and forthright manner is also a drawback romantically as others are turned off by your dogmatic approach. As you tend to discuss everything about yourself with a member of the opposite sex, there is little mysterious or sexy about you. Spilling your guts does not help you professionally either, as it encourages others to steal your ideals. Part of your inner struggle might be fighting your urge to connect so intimately with every single person you meet. One way to combat this is to make an effort to be a little more stand offish and play your cards close to your chest, especially when it comes to romance.

As you are a very sensitive and compassionate person you tend to take things very personally. When others let you down you have a tendency to retreat from society and nurse your wounds. Often when a six decides to play the victim in a relationship he or she is met with very little sympathy or help. This is ironic as sixes are so eager to help others and comfort them when they are down and out. The cosmos presents you with this type of situation so that you are forced to heal yourself with the same type of focus and devotion that you use to heal others.

If you feel yourself succumbing to a tendency to isolate yourself or find yourself succumbing to addiction or depression your best course of action is to forget about yourself entirely and go out and make an effort to help someone less fortunate than you. This teaches you to be helpful to people you are not attracted to as sixes have a way of only making themselves useful to individuals that they find attractive or desire.

The very highest calling of your soul urge number is to renounce sex and relationships altogether and devote your life to a religious or spiritual practice.

You have a Life Path 9. The route of idealists.

You have chosen to know the experience of the ideal, the noble causes, of the sensitivity and the great horizons. It is a path which favours travels, external and internal. This route will offer you a lot of experiences, instructive meetings and the possibility to cultivate your talent but also a particular sensitivity often turn towards altruism. The figure 9 symbolises the end of a cycle and the beginning of the following one that will be lived with a higher level of consciousness. If you are able to free yourself from the hold of material contingencies of your life, you can establish these ideas and realise your vocation. This path can drive you towards greater horizons, familiarise you with more vast perspectives across culture, ecology, research, teaching, travelling, meeting people, altruism, humanism, sometimes with a large public. It is also an itinerary of emotions, internal travels, knowledge, unselfish action, avant-garde ideas which will imply your sensitivity, subtlety and open-mindedness. You will have to face some passionate events with profound repercussions (for you). Overall, a path of success and protection, favourable to travellers and altruistic, tolerant people as well as all those who will have known how to turn their sensitivity into a talent. But be careful not to get lost in impulses or passions that overtake you. It will be important to develop a certain prudence. In some cases take a back seat so as not to be dragged along toward ambiguous objective or into a tendency for illusions and sadness. Keep your spirits high, while holding on firmly to the helm of your life. Learn to open yourself to the world but without forgetting, neglecting yourself or you will risk disappointments and even losses. This until you understand that it is a matter of a bad approach on your part because your base support must be found within yourself and not outside.
1. Ykseyden laki
Rakkauden laki. Universaali henkinen rakkaus yhdistää ja elävöittää kaiken maailmankaikkeudessa. Kaikki olevainen kehittyy kohti elämän syvintä olemusta, joka on ykseys.

2. Energian laki
Maailmankaikkeus on energiaa. Energia ei katoa. Se muuttaa vain olomuotoaan.

3. Kolmen laki
Jokainen toiminto ja ilmiö on tulos kolmen voiman, positiivisen, negatiivisen ja neutraloivan, samanaikaisesta toiminnasta.

4. Ilmennyksen laki.
Energia ilmentyy hienommasta karkeampaan. Näkyvän maailman ilmiöt ja asiat ovat ensin olemassa henkisessä todellisuudessa.

5. Heijastuksen laki.
Yksilön elämä vastaa hänen tietoisuuden tasoaan. Maailma on meidän näköisemme.

Universumissamme kaikella on lakiensa mukainen heijastuksensa, eli kääntöpuolensa.
6. Vapaan tahdon laki.
Jokaisella elollisella on vapaa tahto ilmentää itseään oman kehitysasteensa mukaisesti universaalien luonnon lakien ohjauksessa.

7. Tietoisuuden laki.
Elämän perusolemus on tietoisuus. Elämä on tietoiseksi tulemista sekä itsestä että ympärillä vaikuttavista universaaleista luonnon laeista.

8. Syyn ja seurauksen laki.
Karman eli oikeudenmukaisuuden laki. Jokaisella seurauksella on syynsä. Elämä ei ole sattumaa vaan seurausta.

9. Liikkeen laki.
Elämä on jatkuvaa liikettä. Mikään ei pysy vakiona. Vain liike on pysyvää.

10. Oktaavin laki.
Seitsemän laki. Elämän liike ja kehitys tapahtuu nousevien sekä laskevien oktaavien mukaisesti.

11. Kehittymisen laki.
Vihkimyksen laki. Henkinen kasvu tapahtuu asteittain tietoisuuden laajentuessa.

12. Virtaamisen laki.
Energian kierron laki. Elämä kukoistaa, kun energia virtaa vapaasti.

13. Tasapainon laki.
Kaikki olevainen pyrkii tasapainoon itsensä ja ympäristönsä kanssa.

14. Resonanssin laki.
Samankaltaisuuden laki. Kaikella on ominaisvärähtely, joka pyrkii voimistumaan. Samanlaisuus vetää puoleensa.

15. Vastakohtaisuuden laki.
Voima synnyttää vastavoiman. Jokaisella voimalla on vastavoimansa.

16. Vuorottelun laki.
Elämä on toiminnan ja levon vuorottelua. Toiminnan vaihetta seuraa aina lepovaihe.

17. Kierron laki.
Inkarnaation laki. Kehitys on elämän ja kuoleman kiertoa. Kuolema tekee mahdolliseksi elämän.
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