

Käyntejä: 2 625 (1.7.2008 alkaen)
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« Uudemmat - Vanhemmat »

Mirma-[Ei aihetta]Luonut: Mirma-Maanantai 13.07.2009 19:56

pikkulisko[Ei aihetta]Luonut: pikkuliskoPerjantai 20.03.2009 21:33

What if there's no sun shining after the rain?
What if there's no laughter to conquer the pain?

But if it all ends, how could it be fair?
How could it be fair?
If I could hold you close
Like you were never gone
If I could hear your voice
You'd tell me to be strong

But sometimes
I just can't
I just don't understand
Why you had to go
Why you had to go
I guess I'll never know

Ain't it funny how you think
You're gonna be OK till you remember things ain't never
Gonna be the same again
The same again

Ain't it crazy how you think
You've got your whole life planned
Just to find that it was never ever in your hand
In your hand

If I could get to you
I feel it in the air
My world don't make no sense
Not without you in it

And sometimes
I just find
Can't deny
Don't know why
Why'd you have to go?
Why'd you have to go?
And leave me here alone
And leave me here alone

Ain't it funny how you think
You're gonna be OK till you remember things ain't never
Gonna be the same again
The same again

Ain't it crazy how you think
You've got your whole life planned
Just to find that it was never ever in your hand
In your hand

You don't see it coming
When the future comes knocking
It changed
It can make you or break you too
You'd just have to make it through
(You'd just have to make it through)

Ain't it funny how you think
You're gonna be OK till you remember things ain't never
Gonna be the same again
The same again

Ain't it crazy how you think
You've got your whole life planned
Just to find that it was never ever in your hand
In your hand

Change, change
Change, change.

-Sugababes: Change-


kawaii^Iskä </3 R.I.P 2.1.2008Luonut: kawaii^Maanantai 01.12.2008 17:27

On sun lähdöstäs ikuisuus.. Asuu huoneessa hiljaisuus.
Lähdit niin hiljaa,
että aamu vain kuuli.
Sylissään matkalle sinut
kantoi tuuli.
Mutt´sydämiimme läpi
elämän jätit
muistosi lämpimän.

« Uudemmat - Vanhemmat »