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« Uudemmat - Vanhemmat »
Oltiin tuossa viime lauantaina Sentenced Kitaristin Miika Tenkulan muistokonsertissa Oulussa Club Teatrialla, jossa soitti Forever One seinäjoelta. Väkeä oli teatrian täydeltä ja tunnelma oli haikeudestaan huolimatta katossa.

Bändillä oli vierailevia laulajia Lauri Tuohimaa (Embraze, Charon), Tuomas Tuominen (The Man-Eating Tree), Mikko Hyttinen (ex-TheRMS), Antti Railio (Celesty), ja minä...Tapani Kangas (Celesty & The Knob)

Tässä videot jossa olen mukana

Forever One feat: Tapani Kangas "Sun Won`t Shine"

Forever One feat: Kaikki laulajat. "Noose"

[Sonatar]:`( Luonut: [Sonatar]Maanantai 23.02.2009 22:38

R.I.P Miika Tenkula 6.3.1974-19.2.2009

Nomen_NescioTenkulan muistolleLuonut: Nomen_NescioLauantai 21.02.2009 13:17

R.I.P. Miika Tenkula 6.3.1974 – 19.2.2009

Lower the flags
A good man has passed
He has reached the last of frontiers
Lower the flags
Down to half-mast
For again the world has taken a turn for the worse.

"Paras on minun paeta,
paras mennä näiltä mailta,
mennä Kalman karsikkohon,
piillä Tuonelan pihoille!"
-Eino Leino

"Our life is made by the death of others."
-Leonardo Da Vinci

GiXxXer[Ei aihetta]Luonut: GiXxXerPerjantai 20.02.2009 00:41

Olisin vielä yhden kuolemattoman kitarasoolon mieheltä halunnut kuulla.
Too soon.

shewwockEi voi olla totta.. R.I.P.Luonut: shewwockPerjantai 20.02.2009 00:29

R.I.P Miika Tenkula


Sentenced - Lower The Flags

He's gone, he is dead
His remains upon the hearse ahead
As silently we wander through the mist
He's free

This is the end
Your journey's over, night descends
Below... Into the abyss
Farewell, my friend, you will be missed

Lower the flags
A good man has passed
He has reached the last of frontiers
Lower the flags
Down to half-mast
For again the world has taken a turn for the worse

He's gone, he is dead
Six feet of earth upon his head
Now lay your wreaths
Upon the one who lies beneath

Although you're gone
In memories you shall live on
Asleep... In peace now rest
The weight of the world is off your chest

Lower the flags
A good man has passed
He has reached the last of frontiers
Lower the flags
Down to half-mast
For again the world has taken a turn for the worse

That mourning light I'll always remember
And these August nights; cold as December

Lower the flags
A good man has passed
He has reached the last of frontiers
Lower the flags
Down to half-mast
For again the world has taken a turn for the worse
« Uudemmat - Vanhemmat »