

Käyntejä: 983 (1.7.2008 alkaen)
4 jäsentä
Tyttöjä: 4
22,8 vuotta
Otos: 3 jäsentä
Tyttöjen keski-ikä: 22,8 vuotta

Jäsenet (4)

« Uudemmat - Vanhemmat »

Zens^^:(Luonut: Zens^^Sunnuntai 19.09.2010 16:03

"Tää tulee loppuun,
niin kuin kaikki aikanaan,
kaikki muistot sust vielä kauas haudataan,
Mut ku näen sut ja sä katot kysyvästi,
en ikinä pystykkään sanomaan hyvästi."

LauruaaLate murbel Luonut: LauruaaPerjantai 19.06.2009 02:38

Laura1 sanoo: huoh. tuun kyl olee ikisinkku! NUNNA

Laura2 sanoo: ikuinen selibaatti kelaa

Laura2 sanoo: lähettäisin sulle sinne salaa kakun sisällä jonku dildon

Laura2 sanoo: hahahahah

Laura1 sanoo: iha vitu hyvä!!!

Laura1 sanoo: en mä kyl selibaaattiin rupeis mistää hinnast

Laura2 sanoo: sama tääl

näin meillä
Here's my story, its sad but true
It's about a girl that I once knew
She took my love then ran around
With every single guy in town

Ah, I should have known it from the very start
This girl will leave me with a broken heart
Now listen people what I'm telling you
A-keep away from-a Runaround Sue

I miss her lips and the smile on her face
The touch of her hair and this girl's warm embrace
So if you don't wanna cry like I do
A-keep away from-a Runaround Sue

Ah, she likes to travel around
She'll love you but she'll put you down
Now people let me put you wise
Sue goes out with other guys

Here's the moral and the story from the guy who knows
I fell in love and my love still grows
Ask any fool that she ever knew, they'll say
Keep away from-a Runaround Sue

She likes to travel around
She'll love you but she'll put you down
Now people let me put you wise
Sue goes out with other guys

Here's the moral and the story from the guy who knows
I fell in love and my love still grows
Ask any fool that she ever knew, they'll say
Keep away from-a Runaround Sue
« Uudemmat - Vanhemmat »