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Greetings Droogies, Rattleheads and Everyone Around the World!

It is great to be back in MEGADETH! As you can imagine, it's been quite a week getting back in the saddle with a gazillion things to get a handle on before we hit the road.

We are rehearsing for the upcoming "Rust In Peace" 20th Anniversary tour this week at Vic's Garage, and I must say, the songs are ripping! Dave and I sound like we haven't missed a beat. We have a special style we've created together over the years and it just fell right back into place instantly. I've definitely missed his ferocious guitar one does it quite like him.

Chris Broderick is a fantastic player and Shawn Drover lays down a nice pocket that keeps the songs sounding like the records, which makes them a treat to play to. Overall, the studio is a great hang and kind of like a music boot camp with guitars, amps and drums at our disposal so we can always be playing and working on tunes.

As always, there are gear needs to sort out before a tour, especially with music this demanding and particular. The crew is working very hard to get the details in order now to ensure an amazing show.

I want to thank you all for your overwhelming support, congratulations and excitement on my return back with the band and I look forward to seeing you all at the upcoming shows. Be ready for "The Punishment Due"!

David Ellefson

saRdeeHhelmiLuonut: saRdeeHTiistai 09.02.2010 14:41

Megadeth founder and frontman Dave Mustaine has announced the return of original bassist David Ellefson (1983-2002) to the iconic multi-platinum group. This reunion is appropriately timed to MegadethÂ’s upcoming historic month-long Rust In Peace 20th anniversary tour which launches March 1 in Spokane, WA. At these incredibly special shows, Megadeth will play their landmark, genre-defining 1990 album Rust In Peace in its entirety, in addition to other Megadeth favorites.

"This shows the power of brotherly love and forgiveness,” Mustaine says. “David Ellefson belongs in Megadeth. Next we are going to show you the power of getting your asses kicked...HARD!"

David Ellefson concurs: "This is a huge moment for all of us, band and fans alike. It is a great celebration of the music from one of the biggest landmark albums of our career."

Ellefson will join Mustaine and Megadeth band members Shawn Drover (drums) and Chris Broderick (guitar) on tour in support of the groupÂ’s current CD Endgame, which has received some of the highest critical accolades of the bandÂ’s career.

"We'd like to thank James LoMenzo for several years of loyal service on the bass, and wish him the very best," Mustaine adds.
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