

Käyntejä: 3 409 (1.7.2008 alkaen)
226 jäsentä
Tyttöjä: 146 (65 %)
Poikia: 80 (35 %)
34,3 vuotta
Otos: 130 jäsentä
Tyttöjen keski-ikä: 34,3 vuotta
Poikien keski-ikä: 34,1 vuotta

Jäsenet (226)

« Uudemmat - Vanhemmat »

NEVERyawnminähän menenLuonut: NEVERyawnMaanantai 05.12.2011 22:19

renegade-Stereo Hearts ♥Luonut: renegade-Maanantai 15.08.2011 21:35

my heart´s a stereo
It beats for your, so listen close
Hear my thoughts in every note
Make me your radio
Turn me up when you feel low
This melody was meant for you
Just sing along to my stereo

neaeGCH - 7 weeksLuonut: neaeKeskiviikko 22.04.2009 22:42

My life's these yellow lines, concrete, and parliament butts
Exhaust fumes and rest stops who drive hard for their bucks
Load in, sound check, play show, load out, let's go, next city, oh great, off day
Hangovers, hangups, dialbacks, running make up, apologies and promises
And nobody acknowledges that boys in bands got it so damn bad
But we love like the last cigarette we'll ever have
I'm putting miles on my body, bout due for a tune up in this gas station, food ain't really helping but
I'm loving every minute, every road signs a reminder of exactly why we did it to begin with

I like these hotels, passports, random bag checks, day dreams of love affairs that I haven't had yet
Touch down, baggage claim, new town, different dame, same clothes, 7 days, whew, damn I need to change
And it's a lifestyle that I wouldn't recommend
Wild N Out on a level Nick Cannon couldn't comprehend (fuck outta here)
We made a lot of friends and even more enemies
Some of which were genuine and others just pretend to be
It's all gravy baby, life's lovely
Even when the gray rain cloud's right above me
The girl's textin' me talkin' about gettin' all cuddly
Cause you paint a pretty picture but the frame is so ugly

And now it's back in a van with four of my mans
Until we catchin' a tan on the Florida sands
I feel like tourin' this land's made me more of a man
From killa California to the shores of Japan
Good times stayin' up late in Austin
Coast to coast V8 to Chicago
To gettin' up with Johnny Cupcakes in Boston
And smokin' that most great eight in Colorado
Home ain't home no more
I hug the road and kiss the concrete and sometimes I even hear her heartbeat
No matter where we go or where we at
We carry upstate on our back, it's like that

This is how it has to be
A kiss for luck, submerge myself
And in 7 weeks resurface
Even if we don't look back again
Tired boys and wired eyes
Exposing imperfections
To the public eye we're perfect
Even if we don't look back again

stef`ah! ♥ Luonut: stef`Keskiviikko 04.02.2009 13:26


oon ihan innoissani gym class heroesin uudesta tuotannosta! syyskuussa uus lätty et sitä odotellessa !

peace sign / index down katseltavissa tuosta >

Ha ha, you probably thinking im wrong right?
Like I should quit writing these songs right?
« Uudemmat - Vanhemmat »