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« Uudemmat - Vanhemmat »

hobittijasu...Luonut: hobittijasuPerjantai 14.12.2012 15:09


If loving you is wrong, than I don't want to be right.
Can't imagine what this life would be, without you by my side.
The day we met, I cant explain the way that I felt.
Feeling all these emotions that I cant even help.
If I didn't meet you, there wont be no smile on my face.
You doing everything to me to make my heart beat or race.
Every little thing we do is just so special to me.

Glowzor,_,Luonut: GlowzorLauantai 07.08.2010 11:05

Kun hetken vain sut pitää sain ja unohtaa..

katii]^tääonniinsulle.Luonut: katii]^Keskiviikko 11.03.2009 22:44

Olin vaa tyhmä ja nielin kaikki ne sun sanat
Mist oisin voinut tietää et halusit vaa pelleillä
Nyt jäi ikävä ja tyhjä kohta sydämessä
Kaikki kaunis kaikki hyvä lähti menemää
Tuskin tää yhtää mun takkaa nyt keventää
Mut pakko purkaa johonki mitä ajattelen
Vikan kerran kun nähtii sanoit "rakastan ja soittelen"
Mut ei, äijä sä särjit mun sydämen
Jos sanon etten kaipaa, mä valehtelen.

Saastepisara[Ei aihetta]Luonut: SaastepisaraTiistai 24.02.2009 01:28

Äh vittu vihaan rakastan X Japanii >w< ~~<3

Ikken 8'<< ~~ ;____;

shewwockTo/Die/For - Little DeathsLuonut: shewwockKeskiviikko 19.11.2008 02:01

Can't find a reason you should respect in me
you're happy when you get me on my knees
hate me, hurt me, kill me
do whatever you want
why should I care?

I'm not the one who'll lose
I'm not the one who surrenders

I am what I am
is it so hard to understand?
I'm the king on my land
hate me, hurt me, kill me
think about me what you want
you cannot trample me under your feet.

Hurt me once hurt me twice
I'm not the one who cries
Later it's you who feels pain
Kill me once kill me twice
I'm not the one who dies
My life is full of little deaths
I will be born again.
I've been destroyed by the perfection that is you
Telling me your lies, think you can fool me too
Fuck you! I'm leaving soon

Why the hell should I stay, getting nowhere day by day
Can't stand what you say, throwing my life away

Dead as a dead can be, screaming the pain away, that you spread to me
Another dead day with you, I see, you have turned to my perfect enemy

Why the hell should I stay, getting nowhere day by day
Can't stand what you say, throwing my life away
Why the hell do I stay, falling further down day by day
This is more than I can take, throwing my life away

Throwing my life away, no way I won't stay
Throwing my life away, can't stand your fucking ways
Throwing my life away, you fucking disappoint me
Throwing my life away, throwing my life away
« Uudemmat - Vanhemmat »