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Elämänkatsomus ja filosofia
Käyntejä: 749 (1.7.2008 alkaen)
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cottonberryShit happens. 8'''' DLuonut: cottonberryTiistai 29.12.2009 01:23

Vasta muutama viikko Kingdom Heartsiin liittyvien asioiden + pelin kimpussa... Ja tässä tulosta. x''' D

(Mission: From the list you just read, pick the sentences that are fit for you)

[X]You tromp around in your Fathers gigantic loafers, wondering how Sora walks in such colossal shoes.

[/] After you beat the game, it hits you like a ton of bricks.
(Luultavasti joo. Mut vaan hetkeksi. *juoksee KH2:sen luo* <3)

[X] You try to do double jumps on the trampoline, like Sora, but fail miserably.
(MÄ EN FAILAA!!!! 8<)

[...] You ponder about what it would be like to make out with someone as hot and sexy as Sora/Riku/Roxas/etc.

[X] You get lost in the woods looking for the tree with the door that leads to Halloween Town.
(No siis. Näin ON käynyt. Monta vuotta sitten, mut se ei kyl ollut KH:n vika sillon, vaan pelkästään Nightmare Before Christmasin. x' D Ja se oli vitsi, en mä oikeesti sitä etsinyt...!)

[X]You annoy your friends and family with impressions of Goofy falling off a cliff. "YAHOHOHOOOYYY...!!!
(Did it once, will never do it twice. )

[X] You now refer to Mickey Mouse as "King Mickey" like that's always been his name.
(...ahihi? 8'D)

[/] When you are in a swimming pool, you imagine Mer-Sora swimming along at the bottom corner of the pool. You then start to freak yourself out.

[X] When you're in a snowball fight you yell, "FREEZE!", before you throw.
(Voi veli-parkaa...)

[] You go to Disney Land and ask the Princesses if they're alright after their traumatic experience.
(xDD Tota vois kyl koettaa...)

[] Whenever you're going to get your period, you deny your obvious PMS and say that you're just being possessed by Ansem.

[X] Cry your ass off during certain cut-scenes even though you've seen them like a THOUSAND times.

[X] You get creeped out every time Dr. Finklestein opens his top and scratches his brain.

[X] You sit up and write all of this stuff in hopes that SOMEONE might care! LMAO!

[X] Every time you watch the Little Mermaid now you see Sora, Donald, and Goofy singing along with Ariel and Sebastian.

[XXX!!!] In fact...every Disney movie featured in the KH games runs through your mind with Sora in them now...

[] In the shower you frequently find yourself singing Simple and Clean (Hikari), or Sanctuary (Passion).
(Mä lauloin Simple and Cleania kyllä töissä sen muutaman päivän.)

[X] You laugh your ass off in the middle of a silent room thinking about bloopers for the KH video games (i.e. Sora throwing the Keyblade in an attempt to do Strike Raid and it hitting the camera and breaking it).
(No kuka ei?! :' D)

[X] In Sleeping Beauty The Maleficent Dragon never looked scarier...

[X] While flying the gummi ship you stand up off of whatever you're sitting on and move with the ship while shouting, "DIE, DIE, DIEEEEEEEEE!

[X] Winnie the Pooh suddenly comes back in your life.

[] You tune in frequently to Ebay to see if that Keyblade price has lowered any.
(Mä teen kyl omani ite! 8( )

[X] The Nightmare Before Christmas becomes your favorite Tim Burton movie.
(OLI JO!!!!)

[X] You yell, "USE THE GIANT KEY IN YOUR FREAKING HAND!!!" at Sora since he has the Keyblade, is HOLDING IT, and SEES the locked door and all he can say is, "It's locked..."

[X] You dream you fall into a dream world and fight the Darkside Heartless.

[X] If you hear the word 'key' you immediately start paying attention.

[/] You notice little things about yourself similar to characters in KH.

[X]You try to lock your door by holding the key in front of the Keyhole (MÄ OLIN VÄSYNYT..!)

Ja siis oikeesti. xD
MIKSI Axelin somebodyn nimi pitää olla Lea? x'''' DDD
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