

Käyntejä: 4 080 (1.7.2008 alkaen)
45 jäsentä
Tyttöjä: 38 (85 %)
Poikia: 7 (15 %)
32,2 vuotta
Otos: 19 jäsentä
Tyttöjen keski-ikä: 32,1 vuotta
Poikien keski-ikä: 33,0 vuotta

Jäsenet (45)

« Uudemmat -

himynameiskebab4.Luonut: himynameiskebabSunnuntai 06.01.2013 20:54

1. päivä - kappale, jota kuuntelin viimeksi
2. päivä - kappale, joka soi päässäni
3. päivä - kappale, joka kuvaa tämän hetkisiä tunteitani
4. päivä - kappale, joka muistuttaa minua jostakin

näitä on paljon mut otetaan ny vaikka tää c:

5. päivä - kappale, jota vihaan
6. päivä - kappale, jota rakastan
7. päivä - kappale, joka muistuttaa minua viimekesästä
8. päivä - kappale, johon en ikinä kyllästy
9. päivä - kappale, jota voin tanssia
10. päivä - kappale, joka saa minut nukahtamaan
11. päivä - kappale suosikkibändiltäni
13. päivä - kappale, josta pitäminen tuhoaa katu-uskottavuuteni
14. päivä - kappale, jota kukaan ei olettaisi minun rakastavan
15. päivä - kappale, joka kuvaa minua
16. päivä - kappale, jota rakastin mutta en siedä enää
17. päivä - kappale, jonka kuulen usein radiosta
18. päivä - kappale, jonka toivoisin kuulevani radiosta
19. päivä - kappale suosikkilevyltäni
20. päivä - kappale, jota kuuntelen vihaisena
21. päivä - kappale, jota kuuntelen iloisena
22. päivä - kappale, jota kuuntelen surullisena
23. päivä - kappale, jonka haluan soivan häissäni
24. päivä - kappale, jonka haluan soivan hautajaisissani
25. päivä - kappale, joka naurattaa minua
26. päivä - kappale, jonka osaan soittaa jollain instrumentilla
27. päivä - kappale, jonka toivoisin osaavani soittaa
28. päivä - kappale, joka saa oloni syylliseksi
29. päivä - kappale lapsuudestani
30. päivä - suosikkikappaleeni tähän aikaan vuosi sitten
31. päivä - kappale, joka saa minut itkemään
32. päivä - kappale, josta kaverini pitävät
33. päivä - kappale, jota lauloin viimeksi
34. päivä - kappale, jota joku perheestäni kuuntelee
35. päivä - kappale, jonka osaan täysin ulkoa
36. päivä - kappale, josta saan kylmiä väreitä
37. päivä - kappale, jota hyräilen usein
38. päivä - kappale, joka muistuttaa minulle tärkeästä ihmisestä
39. päivä - kappale, josta olen alkanut viimeaikoina pitämään
40. päivä - kappale, jota kuuntelen seuraavaksi

nanawhåttislistLuonut: nanawPerjantai 07.01.2011 01:17

Listaa tähän viisi komeinta julkkismiestä ja haasta sen jälkeen viisi kaveriasi.

HAASTAN ALLUN JA EMMIN >DDD muut tehköö jos haluu

yawdreg:3Luonut: yawdregLauantai 02.10.2010 22:36

"This is me, and if you don't like it, fuck off." - Matt Bellamy

"Be yourself, don't take anyone's shit, and never let them take you alive." - Gerard Way

"I like music because... it makes me feel the most free I've ever felt in my entire life and gives me the freedom to do anything without much consequence." - Dom Howard

"I can't imagine any other bands having better kids than ours, and if they do at least I know our kids can beat up their kids." - Frank Iero

"Homophobia is gay." - Frank Iero

"One day your life will flash before your eyes. Make sure its worth watching." - Gerard Way

"That was fucking pwoper!" - Matt Bellamy

"Hey listen up! All you racists, sexists, homophobes, and just plain assholes, we've got a message for you...GO THE FUCK HOME! We don't want you here, don't buy our merch, and don' listen to our music. If you have our CD, break it. We don't want you and we don't need you here." - Gerard Way

"Violence is never the answer!...Now, I hoped that you guys would know that. I only said it because I love the sound of my own voice." - Gerard Way

"*Singing* Everybody tie your shoe, I don't care about you. Everybody tie your shoe, clap clap. *Speaking* On three, cause I wanna get my shoes tied now, so I'm gonna tie my fucking shoes!...wait...okay, *Singing* Everybody tie your shoes, clap clap. Everybody tie your shoes, clap clap. *Speaking Again* That's possibly the fucking stupidest thing I've ever done up here." - Gerard Way

"I didn't lose! I just didn't win. Half-full, half-full." - Adam Lambert

"Why can't men have strong feminine sides? Does that make them less of a man? I don't know why our society has such an emphasis on masculinity and femininity-it's really gross. I don't think you're truly sexy until you don't care about that." - Adam Lambert

"Life is all about taking risks to get what you want." - Adam Lambert

"If you ever feel different, hold your head up high. WeÂ’re artists. WeÂ’re all crazy. And thatÂ’s good-crazy!" - Adam Lambert

"I'm like your boy next door who decided that he wanted to be a rebel one day. So.. I'm a nice rebel" - Adam Lambert

"I wasn't popular in high school. I was the weird kid. So to all you weird kids out there - you can do it!" - Adam Lambert

"I feel fine. I know who I am. I'm an honest guy, and I'm just going to keep singing." - Adam Lambert

"I want to be a role model for maybe that kid that feels he's a little weird or she's a little weird. The kid in school that doesn't quite fit the mold, someone that wants to be different..." - Adam Lambert

"Hopefully, the fans at home will know that when I'm up on stage snarlin' and tossin' my hair around, that I'm just having a good time and playing...*laughing* and that I'm not really like that! *laughs more*" - Adam Lambert

"I think theatricality is just one way of performing. I don't think it's a better way or the way, but it's my way." - Adam Lambert

"I don't believe in getting discovered. I believe things happen when they're meant to happen.. and I love being an inspiration for the world's weirdos." - Adam Lambert

JoQQ~Luonut: JoQQSunnuntai 05.09.2010 13:22

Huomenna Britteihin ft. Jacob ja ens. viikon perjantaina vihdoinkin
Matthew Bellamy
Dominic Howard

Chris Wolstenholme

^sipsi^just just :DLuonut: ^sipsi^Maanantai 16.08.2010 20:40

– Dom, you’ve been hit by Matt’s flying guitars before. What measures do you take to protect yourself from his ‘theatrics’?

Dom Howard: My reflexes have become a lot quicker. I had stitches in my eye once after he cut it. And a tetanus injectionÂ…

Matt Bellamy: Â… In his bum! We came backstage and he was bent over a table, his bum hanging out. That was the main reason I did it. Any excuse to get Dom to bend over and pull his pants down.

– Do you ever read any of the online erotic fiction written about you?

Dom Howard: No, but I’ve seen weird things on our message boards. The fans there are quite active – they have these threads called Pornogenic Dom, Pornogenic Matt, Pornogenic Chris. They started off using these pictures of us pulling weird sex faces when we are playing live. It’s our cum faces, basically. It gets weird out there.

– Ever had a near-death experience?

Chris Wolstenholme: A couple of days ago, actually. Really dodgy flight into LA, the weather was bad. I thought it was all over for a minute. We seemed to drop a thousand feet instantly.

Matt Bellamy: If it had jolted any more Dom would have just come out and said, “I’m gay”.

– As the band’s resident “ladies’ man”, who’s the most famous person you’ve hit on?

Dom Howard: Jane Fonda. She’s 72. I like the older ladies, you see. She was hanging around with Rod Stewart the other day. She seemed like a nice lady. But I failed – I didn’t charm her enough.

yawdregquotesLuonut: yawdregTorstai 29.07.2010 21:34

"This is me, and if you don't like it, fuck off." - Matt Bellamy

"Heroes are ordinary people who make themselves extraordinary." - Gerard Way

"That was fucking pwoper!" - Matt Bellamy

"We just have to watch Mikey and make sure he doesn't put anymore forks in the toaster." - Frank Iero
"We had just discovered something: music is a matter of emotion." - Matt Bellamy

"I like music because... it makes me feel the most free I've ever felt in my entire life and gives me the freedom to do anything without much consequence." - Dom Howard

"One day your life will flash before your eyes. Make sure its worth watching." - Gerard Way

"Let me introduce you to...MIKEY! FUCKING! WAY!" - Gerard Way

"I can't imagine any other bands having better kids than ours, and if they do at least I know our kids can beat up their kids." - Frank Iero

"I would date Gerard." - Frank Iero

"Homophobia is gay." - Frank Iero

"Buda da duh, buda da da daa, buda da duh, buda da da
duh da daa, buda da, buda da da du da da da daaaaah!RT @raytoro: The final countdown..." - Frank Iero (on Twitter)

"And now, how many of you want to sing with My Chemical Romance? *crowd screams* ...Woah, that was weird, I've never referred to us in third person before. Don't you hate people who refer to themselves in third person?! Like, say your name is Stan. 'Stan doesn't like to drive. Stan likes to sit in the back. Stan in a fucking asshole for talking about himself in third person!' " - Gerard Way

"You know, there was a time when I used to tour with this guy, and I had to dress up in this fucking bear suit, and I'd throw myself into the fucking crowd, but nobody would fucking catch me! If I threw myself in the pit now, would you people catch me? Well, it's too fuckin' late now, motherfuckers!" - Gerard Way

"How are you guys doing on my right? And you guys on my left? And my sweet little kids up front? Oh, and how are you doing UP ON THE BRIDGE, you cheap asses who couldn't afford a ticket?! I am such an asshole! I mean, just because you can't afford the tickets doesn't mean I should be an ass to you. Man, I have balls!"

"Violence is never the answer!...Now, I hoped that you guys would know that. I only said it because I love the sound of my own voice." - Gerard Way

"*Singing* Everybody tie your shoe, I don't care about you. Everybody tie your shoe, clap clap. *Speaking* On three, cause I wanna get my shoes tied now, so I'm gonna tie my fucking shoes!...wait...okay, *Singing* Everybody tie your shoes, clap clap. Everybody tie your shoes, clap clap. *Speaking Again* That's possibly the fucking stupidest thing I've ever done up here." - Gerard Way

"What is this? Pink bunny ears? Well as much as I know you want me to put these on,they'll clash with my outfit. I do know my good friend IERO here'll like them!" - Gerard Way

"I'm Gerard Way and I'm here to steal your boyfriend!" - Gerard Way

"It takes me a while to tell stories. I think it's because I was drunk for three years." - Gerard Way

"Be yourself, don't take anyone's shit, and never let them take you alive." - Gerard Way

"If you're gonna buy me a present, don't spend more than twenty five bucks, you'll get a blowjob anyway." - Gerard Way

"Hey listen up! All you racists, sexists, homophobes, and just plain assholes, we've got a message for you...GO THE FUCK HOME! We don't want you here, don't buy our merch, and don' listen to our music. If you have our CD, break it. We don't want you and we don't need you here." - Gerard Way

"Why can't men have strong feminine sides? Does that make them less of a man? I don't know why our society has such an emphasis on masculinity and femininity-it's really gross. I don't think you're truly sexy until you don't care about that." - Adam Lambert

"Life is all about taking risks to get what you want." - Adam Lambert

"If you ever feel different, hold your head up high. We’re artists. We’re all crazy. And that’s good-crazy!" - Adam Lambert

"I'm like your boy next door who decided that he wanted to be a rebel one day. So.. I'm a nice rebel" - Adam Lambert

"I wasn't popular in high school. I was the weird kid. So to all you weird kids out there - you can do it!" - Adam Lambert

"I think theatricality is just one way of performing. I don't think it's a better way or the way, but it's my way." - Adam Lambert

"I didn't lose! I just didn't win. Half-full, half-full." - Adam Lambert

"I don't believe in getting discovered. I believe things happen when they're meant to happen.. and I love being an inspiration for the world's weirdos." - Adam Lambert

"I feel fine. I know who I am. I'm an honest guy, and I'm just going to keep singing." - Adam Lambert

"I want to be a role model for maybe that kid that feels he's a little weird or she's a little weird. The kid in school that doesn't quite fit the mold, someone that wants to be different..." - Adam Lambert

"Hopefully, the fans at home will know that when I'm up on stage snarlin' and tossin' my hair around, that I'm just having a good time and playing...*laughing* and that I'm not really like that! *laughs more*" - Adam Lambert

yawdregthe many faces of MuseLuonut: yawdregSunnuntai 18.07.2010 15:38


hitto ku noit ei saanu tähän näkyviin.


JoQQ~Luonut: JoQQLauantai 17.07.2010 14:57

Tänään Helsinkiin ja ylihuomenna sitten Muse, Kaisaniemi 2010~ ♥
Dominic Howard♥
Matthew Bellamy♥
Chris Wolstenholme♥
ja Matt:in ihana perse♥♥

Vaikka pahemmin kukaan ei Musesta pidä, niin minä pidän ja on
huippua päästä oman lemppari artistin keikalle, mutta syksyllähän pääsen Musea toiseen kertaan näkemään Wembley:llä kenttäalueelle, mikä on aivan uskomatonta !♥ Tästä tulen Jacobille olemaan aina kiitollinen !!♥♥

iidarawr~Luonut: iidarawrSunnuntai 23.05.2010 04:21

1. Mikä on lempibändisi nimi?
- Muse
2. Minkä maalainen se on?
- Brittiläinen
3. Onko sinulla yhtään sen levyjä?
- Onhan mul
4. Tai muuta fanikamaa?
- On, kolme julistetta, kohta neljäs. T-paita, huppari, neljä pinssia, kohta kaheksan, ja jotain randomi pikkukuvii seinäl vaan
5. Miten "älysit" lempibändisi?
- Näin uprisingin, ja mietin et mikä bändi tekee videon tappajanallesta. Ja Nyf on ollut suuri vaikuttaja : D
6. Kuinka usein kuuntelen bändin musiikkia?
- joka pv
7. Pitävätkö ystäväsi tästä bändistä?
- Nyf ;) ja Petri
8. Tiedätkö lempibändistäsi paljon?
- Ihan kivasti kaikkee suht turhaa
9. Oletko ollut heidän keikallaan?
- En, mutta menossa ;)

1. Mikä on tämänhetkinen lempibiisi lempibändiltäsi?
- Resistance oli viimesin, mut en tiiä kyl nyt.
2. Entä onko yhtään biisiä, josta et niin hirvesti pidä?
- Ei tuu mielee
3. Mikä biisi lempibändiltäsi saa sinut iloiseksi?
- I can't take my eyes off you : D bada bada bada babada...<3
4. Mikä taas on bändin surullisin biisi?
- Unintended ehkä
5. Entä onko sillä yhtään biisiä, jolle naurat?
- I can't take my eyes off you : DDD dom<3
6. Mikä oli ensimmäinen biisi jonka kuulit bändiltä?
- Uprising
7. Mitä biisiä suosittelisit sellaiselle, joka on kiinnostunut kuuntelemaan lempibändisi musiikkia?
- Time is runnin out ja joku starlight ehkä?
8. Mikä on bändin paras/hauskin musiikkivideo?
- Undisclosed desires ehkä ;)
9. Katsotko lempibändisi videoita usein?
1. Kuinka monta jäsentä bändiin kuuluu?
- 3
2. Kuka on heistä "lempparisi"?
- Mattttttttt on mun<3
3. Kenestä pidit eniten, kun olit vasta alkanut kuuntelemaan bändiä?
- Matt on aina ollu kingi<3
4. Osaatko nimetä kaikki bändin jäsenet kuvan perusteella?
- Helposti
5. Kuka on bändin viehättävin (komein, kaunein, söpöin) tyyppi?
- Matt : DD tai no onhan Dom toki myös<3 Chris näyttää apaattiselta koiranpennulta
6. Entä hauskin?
- Matt on ihan hassu<3 : D
7. Jos saisit tavata vain yhden heistä, niin kenet?
- Mattin tottakai


KamioNazare.... <33 (:Luonut: KamioNazareKeskiviikko 19.05.2010 01:40

Rakastan Domin ihanaa ääntä ja nauruaa~~~ja jos oisin ollu se tyttö, jonka se kysy treffeille nii oisin menny!! DD8 sellane tilaisuus on vaa kerra elämässä <333 (((8 lol

Mattinki nauru on ihana <3 sit ku se päästelee niitä outoja ääniä <3 XDDD pakko rakastaa niitä <33 [ja rakastan viel enemmä niitä yhessä <333 >8D] Rakastaa niiiiin paljon noita kahta (: ja Chrisii myös (: <3

Matt: Your first succes with a girl?
Dom: First succes? First time I got laid?

Matt: What's the first thing you notice on the women?
Dom: Unfortunatly it's the boobs.. No it's not, it's the personality <3
aww? (:

ja ihana hymy ((: XDD <333 lol.
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