

Käyntejä: 244 (1.7.2008 alkaen)
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mArnustAro^^ <3!Luonut: mArnustAroMaanantai 16.03.2009 16:55

Eggs, get your eggs here! Fresh and white eggs are here!!!
Wiggle jiggle, yellow middle, thats the best of what you are.
White and tender, surrond the center, cozy sitting in a crackling shell.
Viatemns and minerals in you. Oodles of the protiens, too!
Oodle doodle!
Popular and perfect and so complete in every way!
I love you eggs eggs!
Come into my tummy, oh so very yummy.
Crack, crack, crack! Chipa chipa away your shell and come to me!
Get your eggs! I love you! Fresh Eggs! I love you! White eggs! Really really love you so!
Eggs fresh white eggs.
Eggs I really love you like the sky~ above!
Eggs are the best! I love you! Fresh eggs! I love you! White eggs! Really really love you so!
Eggs freshwhite eggs!
365 days I really love you so! I really love you so! mmm! Yummy!
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