

Terveys ja elämäntavat
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« Uudemmat - Vanhemmat »

LaLLe-its hurts </3Luonut: LaLLe-Tiistai 12.01.2010 23:16

It feels that your love for me
is slowly turning to dust
It seems that our union made of iron
is starting to rust

I hate life
I hate this shit
I love you and I hate myself
I hate our world
and everything in it
I hate loving you
I hate
I hate

Give me a reason to live
one more day
Let me just once more feel
your light through the rain

It feels that my love for you
is eternal, never-ending
but it seems that you're not receiving
what I have been sending

I love life
I love this shit
I love you and I hate myself
I love our world
and everything in it
I love loving you
I love
I hate

Give me a reason to live
one more day
Let me just once more feel
your light trough the rain

Give me a reason to live
one more day
Let me just once more feel
your love through the pain
« Uudemmat - Vanhemmat »