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« Uudemmat - Vanhemmat »

DefoniA Song Per Day - 03Luonut: DefoniKeskiviikko 19.05.2010 21:42

Day 03 - A song that makes you happy

tonskiRancid Luonut: tonskiSunnuntai 01.02.2009 03:15

Taas uuen biisin aika, ja tunnetustihan meikäläisen musiikkimaku ei rajoitu yhteen genree.. :)

Don't worry about me, I'm gonna make it alright
Got my enemies crossed out in my sight
I take a bad situation gonna make it right
In the shadows of darkness I stand in the light

You see it's our style to keep it true
I've had a bad year, a lot to go through
I've been knocked out, beat down, black and blue
She's not the one coming back for you
She's not the one coming back for you

If I fall back down, you're gonna help me back up again
If I fall back down, you're gonna be my friend

It takes disaster to learn a lesson
You're gonna make it through the darkest night
Some people betray one and cause treason
We're gonna make everything alright

Well the worst of times, now, they don't phase me
Even if I look and act really crazy
I went way down, she betrayed me
Now my vision is no longer hazy

I'm very lucky to have my crew
They stood by me when she flew
I've been knocked out, beat down, black and blue
She's not the one coming back for you
She's not the one coming back for you

If I fall back down, you're gonna help me back up again
If I fall back down, you're gonna be my friend
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