

Käyntejä: 2 333 (1.7.2008 alkaen)
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32,3 vuotta
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Jäsenet (41)

« Uudemmat - Vanhemmat »

kadssMust.Luonut: kadssTiistai 23.06.2009 22:13

Haluan liittyä Pandakavereihin ja tehdä lahjoituksen Itämerelle.

Itkettää kun nään telkkarista sen puhdas Itämeri-mainoksen, jossa se pieni merenneito itkee. :(
Stratovarius - Paradise

Late at night I find myself again wondering and watching tv.
I can't believe what's on the screen, something that I wouldn't care to see.
Many rare species will perish soon and we'll be short on food.

Why do we have to be so selfish, we've got to change our attitude.
I know that I am not the only one that's worried,
why don't we all wake up, and realize.
Like the birds in the sky we are flying so high,
without making any kind of sacrifice.
We've got so little time to undo this crime or we'll lose our Paradise.

It seems to me that there's no sense at all, nobody cares it's always the same.
Mother nature's crying out in pain we're the one's to blame.

I know that I am not the only one that's worried,
why don't we all wake up, and realize.
Like the birds in the sky we are flying so high,
without making any kind of sacrifice.
We've got so little time to undo this crime or we'll lose our Paradise.

Like the birds in the sky we are flying so high,
without making any kind of sacrifice.
We've got so little time to undo this crime or we'll lose our Paradise.

Like the birds in the sky we are flying so high,
We've got so little time to undo this crime or we'll lose our Paradise.
(So high)

Katsokaapas 8 minuutin video pulloveden haitoista ja lahjoittakaa 11 senttiä Itämerelle <:
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