

Käyntejä: 752 (1.7.2008 alkaen)
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21,3 vuotta
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EvetinKony 2012Luonut: EvetinMaanantai 26.03.2012 02:25

Jos tässä maailmassa on joku joka ei tästä kampanjasta vielä tiedä niin olis korkea aika. Katsokaa kriittisine silminenne ja jakakaa mielipiteitänne sekä jos siihen uskotte niin tämä video.

Itse olen sinisilmäinen hölmö enkä näe vikoja missään. Tosin katsoin toisen videon, jossa mainittiin hyvä pointti: miksi tuhlata rahaa tämän elokuvan tekemiseen? Lisäksi joidenkin lähteiden mukaan Joseph Kony on jo pidätetty vuonna 2005, lisäyksenä kuitenkin mainittiin että LRA:n lapsisoturi joukkoja olisi vielä olemassa.

Päättäkää itse mihin uskotte.

_Marii_Pliis, KATTOKAA tää videoLuonut: _Marii_Tiistai 06.03.2012 22:00

puol tuntii teijän luppoajasta ei oo paljon, joten kattokaa tää video.

rullaaKONY 2012Luonut: rullaaTiistai 06.03.2012 20:18

"It's hard to look back on some parts of human history, because when we heard about injustice, we cared, but we didn't know what to do. Too often, we did nothing. But if we're going to change that, we have to start somewhere. So we're starting here, with Joseph Kony. Because now, we know what to do. Here it is. Ready?"

Joseph Kony is the #1 war criminal on the ICC (International Criminal Court, The Hague) records. He's the leader of a Ugandan guerrilla organisation called the LRA, the Lord's Resistance Army.

He's been abducting children and forcing them to be sex slaves (if they're girls) or child soldiers (if they're boys) for 26 years. The problem is, nobody knows who he is. Hundreds of thousands of people in the US and all over the world have taken action and let the world leaders know that they know about Kony, and care about the Invisible Children he's hurting. Currently, some US forces are in Uganda, advising and assisting the local armed forces to work against Kony and the LRA.

So what we need to do first and foremost, is to let people know. There are more people on Facebook today than there were on this planet 200 years ago. So share this video. Spread awareness. The goal of project Kony 2012 is to get the LRA leader arrested and the children back to their homes by 31st December, 2012.

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