

Ennen yhteisöajanlaskun alkua
Käyntejä: 7 772 (1.7.2008 alkaen)
Kommentteja: 3
1538 jäsentä
Tyttöjä: 652 (43 %)
Poikia: 886 (57 %)
Sijoitus koon mukaan: 271
35,9 vuotta
Otos: 952 jäsentä
Tyttöjen keski-ikä: 36,3 vuotta
Poikien keski-ikä: 35,6 vuotta

Jäsenet (1538)

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Pocahontas66[Ei aihetta]Luonut: Pocahontas66Keskiviikko 15.01.2014 09:06

Kaikki kynnelle kykenevät kuuntelemaan mahtavaa musisointia perjantaina 13.7. joensuussa! Teatteriravintolan sisäpihalla mm. me, eli Temppeli soittaa kello 22.30 letkeää ja kaunista rootsreggaeta johtotähtenään suorastaan nerokas Jyväskyläläinen muusikko Heikki Korkalainen alias "Hapanjuuri". Heikkihän on tehnyt yhteistyötä mm. Yonan ja Palefacen kanssa ja on erittäin arvostettu muusikko. Häntä ei voi liiaksi hehkuttaa ;).

Mutta kynnelle kykenevät, tätä ette voi missata, aivan mahtavia kappaleita luvassa!

Marsalkkaword.Luonut: MarsalkkaSunnuntai 20.11.2011 18:34

And it was written
Up in the book of life
That the man shall
Endure forever more

Verse 1
Damian Marley:

Well did you know the pen
Is stronger than di knife
And they can kill you once
But they can't kill you twice

Did you destruction of di flesh is not di ending to life
Fear not of the anti-christ
Did you know that
I Exist before the earth
And did you know my eyes
Are windows to the world

Did you know you can't go a Zion and a wear jheri curls
Can't tell the boys from the girls
The body's just a vehicle
Transporting the soul

It's what's inside the people
Is beauty to behold
Fear not of evil
Everyday dem flesh it grow old
Changes of the time take the toll


Verse 2
I won dem fi in fury's in the eyes of di beholder
A lovers in the presence of the love maker
Rises in the words of the comforter
Endure much longer
Way much longer

Fury's in the eyes of di beholder
A lovers in the presence of the love maker
Rises in the words of the comforter
Endure much longer
Way much longer

Careful of your entertain stranger
Selaisse never born inna nuh manger
And dem never crucify as nuh savior
He leck off himself inna the ruler

Verse 3
Jr. Gong:
A vest around his chest and Rastafari is his name
The gift of everlasting life for us to all sustain
Lesson that you all forgot
Lesson taught you all forgot

Rasta call I shit you not
Do you remember Elijah
And his chariot of flames
Same blood that runs tru my veins

Verse 2

Verse 4
Babylon nah function when dem a failure
So be careful of dem cellular and pager
Cuz I sign see dem I see danger
So dem grateful Selaisse I bray tay yo


Verse 5
Watch for sticks and stones
Stumbling blocks in piles
Life is one big road
Miles on top of miles

So blessed be the soul
That always remains a child
And most people don't even smile

There's a natural mystic
Blowing in tru the air

So keep it realistic
And always be aware
The truth is crying out
And it's so loud and so clear
But most people won't even hear
Spiritual pollution is in the atmosphere
And with so much confusion
Can one be happy here
The gift of Rastafari is for all man to share
But some would rather to be so unfair

(Verse 1)
Standing at this liquor store,
Whisky coming through my pores,
Feeling like I run this whole block.
Lotto tickets and cheap beer
hat's why you can catch me here,
Tryna scratch my way up to the top.
Because my job got me going nowhere,
so I ain't got a thing to lose.
Take me to a place where I don't care,
this is me and my liquor store blues.
I'll take one shot for my pain, One drag for my sorrow.
Get messed up today, I'll be ok tomorrow.
One shot for my pain, One drag for my sorrow. Get messed up today,
I'll be ok tomorrow.
(Verse 2)
Me and my guitar tonight, singing to the city lights,
tryna live on more than what I got.
Cause '68 Citrus ain't gonna pay the rent,
so I'll be out here til they call the cops.
Because my job got me going nowhere,
so I ain't got a thing to lose.
Take me to a place where I don't care,
this is me and my liquor store blues.
I'll take one shot for my pain, One drag for my sorrow.
Get messed up today, I'll be ok tomorrow.
One shot for my pain, One drag for my sorrow.
Get messed up today, I'll be ok tomorrow.
(Damian Marley)
Here comes junior gong
I'm flying like I'm Superman
I'm thinking that I run the whole block.
I don't know if it's just because
Pineapple kush between my jaws
Has got me feeling that I'm on top
Feeling like I would have stand up to the cops
I saw the puda? dey? guys
A got a hula? de? mas?
I got a talk and walk talking
And fly? making shop?
No kind? for you and the best? kick me drop
Give me this one shot for my pain, One drag for my sorrow.
Get messed up today, I'll be ok tomorrow.
One shot for my pain, One drag for my sorrow.
Get messed up today, I'll be ok tomorrow.

tiinaje,Luonut: tiinajeSunnuntai 19.12.2010 01:17

Mitä musiikkimaku kertoo persoonallisuudestasi:
Blues: Hyvä itsetunto, luova, sosiaalinen, lempeä ja levollinen
Jazz: Hyvä itsetunto, luova, sosiaalinen ja levollinen
Klassinen musiikki: Korkea itsetunto, luova, sisäänpäin kääntynyt, levollinen
Rap: Hyvä itsetunto, sosiaalinen
Ooppera: Hyvä itsetunto, lempeä, luova
Country: Ahkera, sosiaalinen
Reggae: Hyvä itsetunto, luova, ei ahkera, sosiaalinen, lempeä, levollinen
Dance: Luova, sosiaalinen, ei lempeä
Indie: Huono itsetunto, luova, ei ahkera, ei lempeä
Bollywood: Luova, sosiaalinen
Rock / Heavy Metal: Huono itsetunto, luova, ei ahkera, ei sosiaalinen, lempeä, levollinen
Listapop: Hyvä itsetunto, ei luova, ahkera, sosiaalinen, lempeä, levoton
Soul: Hyvä itsetunto, luova, sosiaalinen, lempeä, levollinen

naksosThis Is Shit 2010 pt2Luonut: naksosTiistai 19.10.2010 18:04

jkaehf!Luonut: jkaehfTiistai 05.10.2010 20:18

sun is rising

Markey<3Luonut: MarkeyKeskiviikko 30.06.2010 21:37

"in the ancient days, we will return with no delay
picking up the bounty and the spoils on our way
we've been traveling from state to state
and them don't understand what they say

3,000 years with no place to be
and they want me to give up my milk and honey
don't you see, it's not about the land or the sea
not the country but the dwelling of his majesty"

Pyaka[Ei aihetta]Luonut: PyakaSunnuntai 21.03.2010 15:42

Beng geng beng-a-geng geng geng geng
Beng geng beng-a-geng geng geng geng
All day, all night in da party
Ev'ryone smokin' sensemil, now
Dey me sight in anada corner
De natty dread 'im jus' a rock wid him dawta
Beng geng beng-a-geng geng geng geng
Beng geng beng-a-geng geng geng geng
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