

Käyntejä: 1 187 (1.7.2008 alkaen)
4 jäsentä
Tyttöjä: 2 (50 %)
Poikia: 2 (50 %)
23,6 vuotta
Otos: 4 jäsentä
Tyttöjen keski-ikä: 25,1 vuotta
Poikien keski-ikä: 22,1 vuotta

Jäsenet (4)

« Uudemmat - Vanhemmat »

-Tito-43.Luonut: -Tito-Tiistai 31.08.2010 17:37

Vuos ilman sua ja kaikki tuntuu niin erilaiselta.
Vuos ilman sua enkä mä vielkään hyväksy sitä.

riikk-aaukki oli vauhissa:DLuonut: riikk-aaSunnuntai 08.11.2009 19:25

"ottakaapas tästä seksikeksiä"

"muistatko ku se minun kaveri meni sinne viinakauppaan?!
no minä menin perässä ja ostin rommia"
luv ya granny and granpa !♥ better than U will be hard to find !<3


HeikzUkki<3Luonut: HeikzLauantai 21.02.2009 23:55

Good Charlotte - Hold on

This world
This world is cold
But you don't
You don't have to go
You're feeling sad, you're feeling lonely, and no one seems to care
Your mother's gone and your father hits you
This pain you cannot bear

But we all bleed the same way as you do
And we all have the same things to go through

Hold on if you feel like letting go
Hold on it gets better than you know

Your days
You say they're way too long
And your nights
You can't sleep at all
Hold on
And you're not sure what you're waiting for, but you don't want to know more
And you're not sure what you're looking for, but you don't want to know more

But we all bleed the same way as you do
And we all have the same things to go through

Hold on if you feel like letting go
Hold on it gets better than you know
Don't stop looking, you're one step closer
Don't stop searching, it's not over
Hold on

What are you looking for?
What are you waiting for?
Do you know what you're doing to me?
Go ahead...What are you waiting for?

Hold on if you feel like letting go
Hold on it gets better than you know
Don't stop looking, you're one step closer
Don't stop searching, it's not over
Hold on if you feel like letting go
Hold on it gets better than you know
Hold on
« Uudemmat - Vanhemmat »