

Käyntejä: 2 674 (1.7.2008 alkaen)
46 jäsentä
Tyttöjä: 5 (11 %)
Poikia: 41 (89 %)
28,6 vuotta
Otos: 30 jäsentä
Tyttöjen keski-ikä: 30,6 vuotta
Poikien keski-ikä: 28,4 vuotta

Jäsenet (46)

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NastyYaffaMinkä ostaisi?Luonut: NastyYaffaPerjantai 13.05.2011 00:24

Minkä pelin ostaisi 360:lle?
Oon miettiny ainakin näitä: COD4, COD5, MW2, BC2, L4D 2 & Halo: Reach. Minkä hankkisin?

NastyYaffaTurtle Beach PX21Luonut: NastyYaffaTiistai 24.08.2010 11:34

Tämmöset tulee tänää ostettuu =) Maistuu varmaan pelaaminen pitkäst aikaa vähä jännemmält.
Call of Duty: Black Ops Tein siis yhteisön eikun liittymään
Joo pelattiin eilen Tompzaankaa WaW PS3 Networkis HC Headquartesia nii ei ehitty pelaa ku varmaa 1 kokonainen peli! Sit tää Tompzaa alkaa killaa omii flamethoweril :DD

NastyYaffa[Ei aihetta]Luonut: NastyYaffaKeskiviikko 26.08.2009 20:19

Kohta taas pelaa CoDia :DD

All my life I've been debating.
All the crows, they sit there waiting, wondering what I'm going to eat
Until I have it, I cant breathe
I only see you on the floor, your heart's not beating any more.
My lust for you just can not wait.
Your skin, it tastes like choc-o-late.
Staring blankly at the sun.
Wait for my time to come.
Your happy life, it makes me sick, all the screaming sounds like music...
Losing all my holy dreams, some one tell me what they mean
There's a iron smell of blood in the air, but I can't find it anywhere...

I've been waiting for someone to find me... become apart of me...
I've been waiting for you to, come here, kill me and set me free...
I've been waiting for...

Blood's flavor is so metallic, it's smell makes me go phrenetic...
Textures that I find in you is a thick viscous glue...
Like, some nights I become so keen, with all I touch and all I see...
There's a iron smell of blood in the air, and now I see it everywhere...

I've been waiting for someone to find me and become apart of me...
I've been waiting for you to come here and kill me and set me free...
I've been waiting for the one.

I've been waiting for the one... (Echo)
I've been waiting for someone... (Echo)
I've been waiting for you to come here and kill me...
I've been waiting for...

I've been waiting for someone
to find me and become... apart of me...
I've been waiting for you... to come here... and kill me... and set me free...
I've been waiting for.....


I've been waiting for you to come here and kill me...
I've been waiting for...

NastyYaffavittu .Luonut: NastyYaffaTiistai 02.06.2009 02:24

haluun saara cod vitoseen zombimodin !!!!!
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