

Käyntejä: 1 959 (1.7.2008 alkaen)
28 jäsentä
Tyttöjä: 21 (75 %)
Poikia: 7 (25 %)
33,1 vuotta
Otos: 18 jäsentä
Tyttöjen keski-ikä: 34,2 vuotta
Poikien keski-ikä: 30,9 vuotta

Jäsenet (28)

« Uudemmat - Vanhemmat »

PrincessIitu[Ei aihetta]Luonut: PrincessIituTiistai 17.08.2010 20:41

PrincessIitublogimerkintäLuonut: PrincessIituSunnuntai 25.07.2010 23:08

iidA sanoo:
bret michaels <3 < 333 33 ahhh OMG poison on paras kaikista < 333 ja brethoney on hottiksin <3 33
Eetu sanoo:
iidA sanoo:
oot säki <3
Eetu sanoo:
nii säki
iidA sanoo:
Eetu sanoo:
sä oota aaaaivan iihaaana
iidA sanoo:
senkin tieisn
Eetu sanoo:
sä tiiiät kyl kaiken
iidA sanoo:
oon jumala!
no oke buddha
Eetu sanoo:
mä jumaloin sua

iidA sanoo:
mut nyt pitää liitää kattoon rokkarille morsianta < <3 3


iidA sanoo:
Moikkkkkkka lähen teeveeen ääree siel on musssuhanipööö BRET MICHAELS!!!!!!!!!!! everybody A R E YOU READY FOR ROCK'N'ROOLLL!!?!?!??!!!!!!!!!!!!
Tania sanoo:
iidA sanoo:
that's so lame!
Tania sanoo:

WastedTimeAwwwwLuonut: WastedTimeLauantai 24.07.2010 16:44

Ah mikä mies!
Jeeejee tnä tulee Rock of Love.
Elämän pieniä iloja...

mmarjooNothing To Lose. <3Luonut: mmarjooSunnuntai 28.02.2010 18:00

She looks in the mirror with the makeup that don’t hide the pain (oh, oh, oh)
Yeah she swore that the last time was the last time that she’d fall again (fall again)
So close yours eyes, just fall tonight
She says let this be alright, alright, alright, alright

Won’t you fall down on me
So close I can feel you breathe
Tonight in the darkness with nothing to lose
If the truth is all we can see
If I fall for you, could you fall for me (could you call for me)

I’ve been torn up, put down, wearing my heart on my sleve (oh, oh ,oh)
Yeah, those scars that you wear, well I’ve got them too, can’t you see (can’t you see)
Yeah we both know better than this, still we can’t resist (still we can’t resist)
Slowly get undressed

Yeah, she does when she falls down on me
So close I can feel you breathe
Tonight in the darkness theres nothing to lose
If the truth is all we can see
If I fall for you, could you fall for me (could you call for me)

Won’t you fall down on me (on me)
So close I can feel you breathe (feel you breathe)
Tonight in the darkness with nothing to lose,
If the truth is all we can see
If I fall for you, could you fall for me

She falls down on me
So close I can feel you breathe (feel you breathe)
Tonight in the darkness with nothing to lose
If the truth is all we can see (oh yeah)
If I fall for you, could you fall for me

Oh, could you fall for me

JOLGAjahuuLuonut: JOLGAMaanantai 31.08.2009 00:04

Bret <sydän> Amber
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