

Käyntejä: 1 087 (1.7.2008 alkaen)
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« Uudemmat - Vanhemmat »
19:05 ---->

Interviewer1 = I1, Interviewer2 = I2, Ben = B, Aaron = A

I1: If you could experience your first time again would you?

B: If I could experience my first... My first time was aweful! Terrible

A: My first time was awesome.

I1: I think you're the first person in the world to say that I think!

A: Oh I had a blast. It was fun.

I2: Was it last week? No, no, no. Sorry...

A: Two years ago!

I2: Two years ago... Can you tell us about it?

A: No, no it was just fun.

I1: But if you could repeat it would you?

A: Yeah if I could go back, yeah totally. 100% I would go back.

B: I would change mine. Definitely change mine, it was gross.

I2: Would you make it longer or shorter?

B: Longer obviously! No man wants to say shorter! We have a hard time... Once I get past the two minute part I'm like high fiving myself. Yes, I did it. I'm the man. You feel all like... You walk in the shower dindidin.

A: Sucking in your gut.

B: Sucking in your gut yeah. Umm, yes, no men always want everything longer, never shorter. And I just had an awkward... It was very awkward. I think everyone's first time is awkward right. I imagine.

A: Not mine.

B: Except for Aaron, the sexmaster over here in the corner.

A: It was fun.

I2: But the sexmaster, can you give us some tips?

B: Yes, give us some tips Aaron.

A: Just have fun.

B: Just have fun. It's good advice actually.

A: But wear protection, and have fun.

B: Wrap it and pound it.

A: Gross.

yksinkertaistettu versio.......
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