

Käyntejä: 1 540 (1.7.2008 alkaen)
5 jäsentä
Poikia: 5 (100 %)
27,8 vuotta
Otos: 2 jäsentä
Poikien keski-ikä: 27,8 vuotta

Jäsenet (5)

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JuahNörttitestiLuonut: JuahTorstai 02.09.2010 02:44

this will determine, how many levels on the Nerd class you have (mainly just gaming nerd):
- put a cross on the square, if the fact applies to you
- you gain levels according to the amount given
- * after the level-word indicates that the specific part replaces the previous part

[x] You play a classic Pen & Paper RPG (Dungeons & Dragons, Vampire, Cyberpunk etc.) - 1 level/game
[x] You own a rulebook for any of those games - 1 level/game
[x] You own over 5 rulebooks (any game) - 1 levels
[x] You own over 10 rulebooks (any game) - 2 levels*
[x] You own over 20 rulebooks (any game) - 3 levels*
[x] You have made your own world to the game - 1 level
[ ] You have dressed up as your character - 2 levels

Levels so far: 6

[X] You play an MMORPG (IE. World of Warcraft) - 1 level/game
[X] You have over 20 level character in MMORPG - 1 level/character
[ ] You have over 50 level character in MMORPG - 2 levels/character
[ ] You have over 80 level character in MMORPG - 3 levels/character
[ ] You pay money frequently to play an MMORPG - 1 level

Levels so far: 8

[XX] You play a Trading Card Game (Magic: The Gathering, Pokemon, Yu-Gi-Oh) - 1 level/game
[X] You own 5 decks (any game) - 1 level
[ ] You own 10 decks (any game) - 2 levels*
[ ] You have participated in a TCG tournament - 1 level
[ ] You have won a TCG tournament - 2 levels/victory

Games (Mainly concole games, computer counted only, if you play with it)
[X] You play games - 1 level
[X] You own a device that is used for playing games 80% of its usage time - 1 level/device
[X] You own 3 gaming devices - 2 levels*
[X] You own 5 gaming devices - 3 levels*
[X] You own 10 games (any platform) - 1 level
[X] You own 20 games (any platform) - 2 levels*
[ ] You own 50 games (any platform) - 3 levels*
[ ] You have bought a new computer mostly just so new games would work with it - 1 level

[X] You spend much of your time on computer (define "much" yourself) - 1 level
[X] You feel like you know a thing or two about comuters - 1 level
[X] You feel you know a lot of computers - 2 level*
[ ] You feel like you are an expert on computers - 3 levels*
[ ] You know, how to fix computers (hardware) - 1 level
[ ] You know, how to fix computers (software) - 1 level
[X] Your current work/work you'd like to have has you working with computers (in any manner) - 1 level

Misc. (for the purpose of spending money, buying concoles and computers won't count)
[X] You have spent over 50€/64$ on Nerd Stuff at one shot (Nerd Stuff = All things mentioned above and other things you feel like belonging to the category) - 1 level*
[X] You have spent over 100€/128$ on Nerd stuff at one shot - 2 levels*
[ ] You have spent over 200€/256$ on Nerd stuff at one shit - 3 levels*
[X] You have bought the side products of any of the categories mentioned above - 1 level
[X] You have been called a Nerd - 1 level
[X] You consider yourself a Nerd - 1 level
[X] You have 3 nerd friends (friends, who also consider themselves nerds) - 1 level
[X] You have 6 nerd friends - 2 levels*
[ ] You have 10 or more nerd friends - 3 levels*
[X] You are proud of being a nerd - 2 levels
[X] You have corrputed someone to the game you like - 1 level
[X] You have corrupted 5 people to a game you like (no need to be all for the same game) - 2 levels*
[ ] You have corrputed 10 or more people to a game you like (No need to be all for the same game) - 3 levels*
[X] You understand this level-joke - 1 level
[ ] You actually laughed at this level joke/though it was clever - 2 levels
[ ] Something that makes you gain a nerd level, but wasn't included here - 1 level/fact

I am a level 33 Nerd

Yay! \o/ Epic level!

Cheburaska[Ei aihetta]Luonut: CheburaskaTorstai 24.09.2009 19:18


ku mullahan oli se R:n mese...nii,se ei ikinä melki puhunu mulle~
nii nysse tuli et miks et sä puhu mulle :DDD

ja sit puhuttii jostai mitä ne tänää teki koulus nii ne oli tehny jonku atk-kokeen ja sit se oli et "ois varmaa ollu sulle iha helppo ku oon kuullu sun taidoistas : D" sit angstasin et nii mut tuskin ny enää saan sitä tehä ja sit se kannusti et ihan varmasti saat yms... :D

Cheburaska[Ei aihetta]Luonut: CheburaskaLauantai 05.09.2009 18:31

oon kauhee nörtti :DD
mul o jotai pelien soundtrackeja ipodis XD

mut oon niist ylpee ♥

Kenji_WTF!?!?Luonut: Kenji_Tiistai 01.09.2009 05:11

Broidi tuli tosiaan vähä aika sitte käymään, ni se mainitsi yhessä vaiheessa jonki aika... häiritsevän asian:

Broidi tuli mun huoneeseen ja heitti et "nii joo mä nyt kohennan sun itsetuntoos tässä hieman". Sit se kerto ku se yliopistossa oli jokin aika sitte tavannu yhen tytön joka oli mun kaa ekalla ja tokalla luokalla. Sit ku broidi kysy siltä joskus et " hei muistatko vielä tota mun broidia joka oli silloin ala-asteella samalla luokalla ku sinä?" ni sit pitkään mietti ja pohdiskeli ja oli sillee "tota... mikä sen nimi olikaan?" Broidi kerto sit mun nimen ni sit se taas pohti jonki aikaa. Sit hetken päästä se oli sillee "eiku hetkinen se tais olla se kehen kaikki tytöt oli ihastunu silloin!"


MITÄ VITTUA!?!?!?!?!

mä uppaan joskus kuvan ittestäni ekalla luokalla tänne, mut siis kaikista sen koulun pojista minä?? Ei voi pitää paikkansa. Tää ei tosiaan oo mitään varmaa tietoa mitä se sano ja vahvasti epäilen sitä kun muistelen itteeni siinä iässä :D:D ainoo asia missä olin hyvä siinä iässä oli hitto Nintendon ja Megamanin pelaaminen saamari! xDDD
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