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« Uudemmat - Vanhemmat »

Mivelyn<3Luonut: MivelynSunnuntai 16.11.2014 13:35

Oijoi, miten voi nää sanat kolahtaa <3 Kun alkaa miettimään miten joku rakas ihminen on yhtäkkiä elämään tullut... Ystävät <3

"Miten ja miksi tuntuikaan
kuin ystävä vanha oisit.
Ikkunaan tuntemattomaan
miksi sä katsoitkaan?

Miten ja miksi vain minut löysit
merestä ihmisten ?
Miten sä sait mut syttymään
roihuksi tunteiden

Kun kanssas lähden
tiedät sen
taakseni kääntyisi en koskaan.
Pois surut pyyhin menneisyyden
kun huominen sinä oot.

Miten ja miksi
sanoja joita mä ootin
Miksi sun äänes kuulemaan
korvani sattuikaan
Miten ja miksi
tään oven löysit
talossa vieraiden,
kaduilta vieraan kaupungin
luokseni saapuen.

Kun kanssas lähden
tiedät sen
taakseni kääntyisi en koskaan.
Pois surut pyyhin menneisyyden
kun huominen sinä oot."
Sacrifice the life you live now.
Everything you know,
everything you do
is merely the mask that has been put over your eyes to contain you.
You sit on a throne of lies

You call yourself a king.
Like you’re some big thing,
ruling this land.
Well take of that fake crown and kneel before me.
I can see right through your lies

A king you say?
Well listen to me.
You’re nothing but
a fool, you see? kuuntelee tän tahtiin nii ymmärtää vähä :3

Jonna Kaasinen M07B
5th March 2010 klo: 12:06 pm

IÂ’m youÂ’r broken doll

I'm your broken doll
I fell to the floor
from the skies which you created for me
I didn't manage anything of this and I fell I fell I fell

I lay here in my grave
only this fabric pulled on me
I were youÂ’r favourite toy
now I grow mold and dust on me
when I were still fixed I were youÂ’r favourite toy

IÂ’m youÂ’r broken doll
I fell to the floor
from the skies which you created for me
I didnÂ’t manage anything of this and I fell I fell I fell

I use to dance on the stage by youÂ’r music
these strings on me use to hang me up in the air
in the skies which you created for me
but when my strings snapped and you threw me away

IÂ’m youÂ’r broken doll
I fell to the floor
from the skies which you created for me
I didnÂ’t manage anything of this and I fell I fell I fell

now I sit in here leaning on this card board box
I wait for you to come back to fetch me
before the dogs will rip my fillings out
I still grow mold and dust on me
these strings never managed to carry me forever

IÂ’m youÂ’r broken doll
I fell to the floor
from the skies which you created for me
I didnÂ’t manage anything of this and I fell I fell I fell
Röyksopp - You don't have a clue ♥

It's late in the night, dancing is done
The music has died, you're ready to run

But you don't have a clue, this party hasn't ended yet
Not for me and you, now you're just pretending

You're hiding from yourself,
Yes you are, yes you are
Like golden rays of sun in the cloud

We're meant to be one, I know we are
If I am the sky, then you are my star

Hey you don't have a clue, this party never ended
Not for me and you, I know you're just pretending

You're hiding from yourself,
Yes you are, yes you are
Like golden rays of sun in the cloud

I will make you see
Haven't you got, haven't you got it yet?
Just lay down for a while, next to me

Didn't mean to make you panic, didn't mean to put you off
Baby it's the way that you've got me
I listen to my heart and it takes you high
And you ask me how, can I show you how?
I need your love right now, now, now.
Oh, oh.

örmus[Ei aihetta]Luonut: örmusMaanantai 19.01.2009 21:55

you've been busy but you've missed me.
I have wondered what you're doing ever day since last I asked.
You will never go outside.
I will never go back to being blind.
You will never go back to being blind.
And you will never feel quite clean
In this new skin that you have grown.
As long as you promise,
That you will never leave,
I need only worry about you and me.
And if you swear that you're alright,
I'm not gonna try and change your mind.
Cause the same night I dream that I lose you I'll fall in love.
You take too many drungs and you make too much love but i know,
Your sweet on the inside.
So make me proud and push the crowds away.
And everybody knows that you're my man, So please stop asking me.

-laura marling-

EmmelemziAre you ready to love?Luonut: EmmelemziMaanantai 21.07.2008 03:34

« Uudemmat - Vanhemmat »