

Ennen yhteisöajanlaskun alkua
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Provinssin lippu on takataskussa ;) ♥


Kesäkuussa on bileet Seinäjoella!!

juhiisssProväänsLuonut: juhiisssTorstai 03.12.2009 19:24

Oujee rammstein pääesiintyjä, pakko päästä nii näkee sit sen kaks kertaa samana vuonna ! (=

Zumomotoka-ariRammstein : SpringLuonut: Zumomotoka-ariLauantai 14.11.2009 03:57

Auf einer Brücke ziemlich hoch
Hält ein Mann die Arme auf
Da steht er nun und zögert noch
Die Menschen strömen gleich zuhauf
Auch ich lass mir das nicht entgehen
Das will ich aus der Nähe sehen
Ich stell mich in die erste Reihe
und schreie

Der Mann will von der Brücke steigen
Die Menschen fangen an zu hassen
Bilden einen dichten Reigen
Und wollen ihn nicht nach unten lassen
So steigt er noch mal nach oben
Und der Mob fängt an zu toben
Sie wollen seine Innereien
Und schreien

Erlöse mich
Enttäusch mich nicht
Spring für mich
Spring ins Licht

Jetzt fängt der Mann zu weinen an
Heimlich schiebt sich eine Wolke
fragt sich Was hab ich getan
vor die Sonne es wird kalt
Ich wollte nur zur Aussicht gehen
die Menschen laufen aus den Reihen
und in den Abendhimmel sehen
Und sie schreien


Sie schreien
Erlöse mich
Enttäusch mich nicht
Spring für mich
Spring ins Licht

Heimlich schiebt sich eine Wolke
vor die Sonne es wird kalt
Doch tausend Sonnen brennen nur für dich
Ich schleich mich heimlich auf die Brücke
Tret ihm von hinten in den Rücken
Erlöse ihn von dieser Schmach
und schrei ihm nach


Erlöse dich
Enttäusch mich nicht
Spring für mich
Enttäusch mich nicht


Sillalla, melko korkealla,
mies pitää käsiään avoinna.
Siinä hän seisoo ja epäröi yhä.
Ihmiset alkavat heti parveilla.
Minultakaan ei jää näkemättä.
Haluan nähdä sen läheltä,
menen ensimmäiseen riviin
ja huudan.

Mies haluaisi kiivetä sillalta alas.
Ihmiset vihastuvat.
He muodostavat tiiviin joukon
eivätkä halua päästää miestä alas,
joten hän kiipeää takaisin ylös.
Ja ihmisjoukko alkaa raivota,
he haluavat hänen sisälmyksensä
ja he huutavat:

pelasta minut.
älä petä minua.
Hyppää vuokseni.
Hyppää valoon,

Mies alkaa nyt itkeä
(pilvet liikkuvat salaa)
kysyen itseltään mitä olen tehnyt.
(auringon edessä alkaa tulla kylmä)
Halusin vain nähdä näköalan
(ihmiset lähtevät rivistä)
ja katsella ilta-taivaalle.
Ja he huutavat:


He huutavat:
pelasta minut.
älä petä minua.
Hyppää vuokseni.
Hyppää valoon,

Pilvet liikkuvat salaa,
auringon edessä alkaa tulla kylmä,
mutta tuhannet auringot paistavat vain sinulle.
Ryömin sillalle salaa
ja takaapäin potkaisen häntä selkään.
Vapautan hänet tästä häpeästä
ja huudan hänelle:


vapauta itsesi.
älä petä minua.
Hyppää vuokseni.
älä petä minua.

HOLMJÖÖSaamun naurutLuonut: HOLMJÖÖSLauantai 07.11.2009 14:44

Ei lasten silmille

Tulin suuresta K-ryhmän marketista, jossa ihmettelin seksististä kannibalismia ihailevan cd-levyn esittelyä pääkulkuaulan laidassa. Onko levyä, jonka päällikannessa ja mainonnassa alastonta naista leikataaan lihaveitsellä ruokapöydällä pakko pitää esillä yleistavarataloissa? Jos todella moraali on vajonnut tällaiseen tilaan ja myyntitavoitteet sanelevat ehdot toivoisi että julkitulo olisi edes sijoitettu lasten silmiltä ja korkeudelta piiloon. Toivottavasti kaikkien kaupparyhmittymien ahdinko ei ole näin suuri, että väkivaltaa myytäessä muut arvot sivutetaan

Taas on aikoihin eletty

TS 7.1.2009

Flakel on vissii ollu aika hauskaa ku se on koskettimias soittanu =) ihan pro ääni. ( ainaki kohdas 0:06 sen kuulee jos ei muute huomaa <hymy>)

Itkis90Liebe ist für alle daLuonut: Itkis90Keskiviikko 21.10.2009 14:59

Lisäänpäs tämän tännekin ettei tuo vauvavitsi juttu ole ainoa lukemisen arvoinen blogimerkintäni. =D En jaksa kääntää suomeksi, siinäpäs sitten luette jos jaksatta. =B

Liebe ist für alle da - Notes of the fangirl

First problem when the publishing day was here was to decide which version of the album should I buy?? Well I also had to bare that albums didn't arrive in "my" store in publishing day but anyway, they were late only two days. So, there's normal Liebe ist für alle da, special edition which has two CDs and in December will come deluxe box. In deluxe box there's special album AND handcuffs, lubricant and six dildos (I'm still thinking if they're copies from band members) all in cool metal case!! Don't ask why I want to buy six dildos, it's just 'cause of Rammstein. ;P Normal ones I wouldn't buy.
Liebe ist für alle da! Deluxe edition.

So I had to struggle with deciding. If I would buy deluxe box there wouldn't be sence to buy special album now but just the normal version 'cause I can't wait till December to hear album first time from my stereos (no, downloading wasn't option) but 'cause deluxe box would be expensive as hell (250 €) I weren't sure should I buy it at all since in December I'll anyway move to Germany for work and I'll need money to live. So I had to be smart adult and give up my dreams of deluxe box and I bought just special edition.

I can't describe first feelings when listening this album. I became avare of Rammstein in time when they published Rosenrot album. After that I started to buy older albums and I became "true-fan". So anyway, this was first album which I really waited for and when I finally bought it I almost ran out of store with it. At home I were like in heaven (or just high/drunk) 'cause I couldn't stop smiling. I had slight depression also (maybe 'cause of autumn and stress) but like my boyfriend also noticed, it all went away after I heard this album. It's weird how music effects to some people, like me. ^^

Rating - Opinnions of the fangirl

I have to admit that all colours and layout in booklet make me think of Mutter album. But cover of Liebe ist für alle da isn't like previous ones I think. It's special but not "so bad" as they've claimed in some gossip magazines already. Yes, Till is going to cut naked girl with huge knife but in picture nothing's off yet. There's not even any blood so it's not SO bad. Even *peep* of the woman isn't visible and everyone of us has seen boobs in some point of our lives before. Most of us have sucked them too, either when we were babies or maybe also later too. =P And those who haven't seen or sucked..... about time already! And for religious people. Your God created us naked so being without clothes is natural, don't be so shocked. It's just your own dirty mind what's bad. ;P

Next some comments of songs. Love stuff is from magazine Orkus but when reading them again after really hearing the songs I realized that they describe songs actually very well so I wanted to share them with you all. I'm lazy to translate correct, you can look yourself or ask Rainer. ;D

Rammlied - Männerliebe
This song I heard first time already from Pussy single and I immediately had to think Herzeleid album. I think it is supposed to be similiar than song Rammstein but anyway first I had to wonder little had they ran out of ideas for songs. This thought also made me little afraid of Liebe ist für alle da. Maybe there's nothing new? But luckily hearing it opening the album made my fears (for some reason already in this point) go away and actually I like this song now. Like they sing in the song: waiting is now over and Rammstein is there for us again. =)

Ich tu dir weh - unterwürfige Liebe
Mmmm... S/M... =P The moment I heard this song I knew it's my favorite song. Little weird since it's second one in album and I didn't knew what kind of songs were going to come later but still: I loved it the moment I heard it first time. Chorus is simply great, I just absolutely love Tills voice. He knows how to melt my heart. <3 I can't hear this song completely seriously 'cause it makes me think of die Ärzte - Bitte bitte. Not 'cause of music but 'cause of lyrics. Ofcourse roles are different but they sing almost directly same stuff. I'm sure Farin and Bela would make good slaves of Till. <3 (Btw, of course Bitte bitte is my favorite song from die Ärzte xD)

Waidmanns Heil - körperliche Liebe
This didn't give me any special thoughts. Chorus is catchy though. =D My german skills aren't so great yet that I would understand completely all songs and this specially left me little confused. That much I understand, it's about hunting but meaning of the song isn't simple as that. I will have to study more and think of this more later.

Haifisch - Männerliebe, die Zweite
This also left me little confused. It's also good song by melody but not so special like Ich tu dir weh. ^^ And like I already wrote: lyrics are little or maybe very confusing. That much I understand that it's again song of the band and their music and their power or charisma but little with metaphors. I just have to love these kind of songs. <3 Maybe this song is little like Ich will, I can't tell for sure, but it's nice anyway. Not as good as Ich will though...

B******** - Suchtliebe
This caused my head to ache for some time 'cause I were thinking of the censored word which is by the way Bückstabü and which in end doesn't mean anything. ~__~ At least normally, Rammstein has now right to come up with their own words. If they would make all songs completely with their "own language" media would leave them out of scandals. ^^ But this wouldn't be good. And I'm getting too carried away of my imagination. Anyway, great song which meaning is still little mystery for me. :B

Frühling in Paris - romantische Liebe
I think Till sounds cute when speaking or singing French, like in Völkerball. =D Well I don't know language myself so I can't tell is it as bad than his english but it sounds "romantic". ;DDDD I didn't like this song so much but it's not as bad like Amour amour what I disliked completely. This don't need more comments from me. It's good song. <3

Wiener Blut - verbotene Liebe
This actually made me really feel little awkward. I know it wasn't suprise that Rammstein will eventually make song about these terrible incest-father cases but this song is really very hair-rising. =D This has taste of scandal... I just had to think of Mein Teil (which is very good song actually) which also were shocking when it was new. But anyway, this absurdness makes me like of Wiener Blut almost as much as Ich tu dir weh. "Willkommen in der Dunkelheit".

Pussy - käufliche Liebe
Ah... Pussy... There has to be always something which 'causes people to go crazy with hypochrisy. Video of this song made me respect Rammstein even more. It needs courage or just pure madness to provoke people like this. xD Song is also very good but I have to admit.... it sounds like Amerika. But you all can think yourself what I mean with this sentence. ;) Hehhee...

Liebe ist für alle da - freie Liebe
Well first, chorus made me disappointed little, but not much, just little... Meaning of the song was also little difficult for me to understand but "I think" I know what they're singing. ='D What would we do without imagination..? ;P

Mehr - Konsumliebe
This song made me proud of myself 'cause I understood the meaning by just hearing from CD and without reading lyrics. :3 Everything involves money and selfishness nowadays... Sigh....... LIKE WITH THESE ALBUM EDITIONS! o___o Damn... But I live in hope that even small part of money which goes to merchandise gets to band members. Till, I hope they feed you well... No one wants to see anorectic Till. :'( Hugs to all of you. <3

Roter Sand - eine Liebe zu viel
I think this's only song which I didn't specially like. Maybe 'cause I've never been huge fan of western movies (only Bonanza I looked in my childhood) but I think bigger reason are those weird whistle parts in this song. They don't give me any positive feelings. But in all this is okay song and I don't hate it. There just has to be winner and loser in everything, in this song and in this album. =D

I don't write now about second CD 'cause I haven't even concentrated enough of it yet. I've wanted to really think of this album, songs in it and the meaning of everything (except meaning of life). I think most finnish Rammstein (and Tokio Hotel ~__~) fans don't understand what they're listening to and I think they don't even care very much. Later in school when they've chosen to take german as third foreign language 'cause of their favorite german musician the truth comes and hits with sledgehammer. Or other option is that they look from youtube translated videos, but anyway, really thinking of the lyrics is rare.

The Epilogue - Feelings of the fangirl

I also think that most people see and hear in Rammstein just worshippers of all that's evil and bad or just anyway sick and pervert. But like in Wiener Blut and Mein Teil I think they're not really telling people how great this kind of behavior is. More I feel that they're really making everyone think how bad human nature really is and that we shouldn't forget how wrong these kind of things really are. Ofcourse I can be completely wrong with this opinnion but at least that's what I believe. Other people may hear this music differently than me and maybe they hear in it just worshipping of devil and everything evil. But that's how they want to hear it and I'm not going to complain about it. Just let me enjoy in peace, okay?

Also people say that songs are bad or sick but most of those things are not made up by members of Rammstein. Like the saying goes: Don't shoot the messenger. At least when I hear Rammstein singing of, for example, incest, I immediately think how wrong that is itself and not that how bad people members in Rammstein are 'cause they're singing of this topic. Well it is true that, like in this case, in Wiener Blut, Till is the bad guy, like he usually is, but it's just better way to get the message to everyone. Without scandals, provokation and all other shocking actions from Rammstein they wouldn't be known worldwide and their songs and concerts wouldn't be in news every once in a while. The nice way doesn't work this well... I think. And I point now to that again that this can again be completely wrong from reality and I may be writing just shit but this's my opinnion and I stand behind it. At least as long than someone brings me better theory.

I just have to love Rammstein. There's no one who can do same than them and touch my heart this deeply just with music. I didn't care very much when Michael Jackson died but if Till would suddenly die then I would cry for week and stop living myself too, but not literally, I would just loose my joy of living. Rammstein! Keep doing the good work! I'm supporting you with my full strength!! <3 >:3

-Haifisch-Hihiiii!!!Luonut: -Haifisch-Maanantai 19.10.2009 02:04

Piti kirjottaa tää jo aikasemmin mut se liitty Rammsteini uuteen levyyn... Ostin sen heti kun se tuli (tietysti) Ja kuuntelin läpi sen muutamaankin kertaan ja kyllä pidin tästäkin(Paitsi kappaleesta:Pussy) Siinä oli loistavia ja voimakkaita kappaleita kuin myös erityisen onnistuneet "slowarit" Roter sand ja Frulein in paris, jotka olivat hyviä kappaleita ^^... Mutta kaikkien kappaleiden yläpuolelle kuitenkin nousi kipale: Haifisch(Hai) Joka oli mielestäni mahtava sanoituksellisesti sekä musiikillisesti... En päässyt keikalle mikä harmittaa, mutta elämä jatkuu (vai jatkuuko) Että sellasta..

tponenLiebe Ist Für Alle DaLuonut: tponenPerjantai 16.10.2009 17:16

Rammsteinin uus albumi tuli kauppoihin ja meikä osti jo :P semmosen deluxe editionin, aika kovaa kamaa :P

Tää ei oo enää todellista!
Kellä alkaa koeviikko just sillon ku pitäis olla Münchenissä kattomassa Rammsteinia?