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BATMANPAULA`! <3Luonut: BATMANPAULA`Maanantai 07.11.2011 16:43

Say you're sorry
That face of an angel comes out
Just when you need it to.
As I pace back and forth
All this time cause
I honestly believed in you.
Holdin' on
The days drag on
Stupid girl I should have known, I should have known.

That I'm not a princess.
This ain't a fairytale.
I'm not the one you sweep off her feet,
Lead her up the stairwell.
This ain't Hollywood, this is a small town.
I was a dreamer before you went and let me down.
Now it's too late for you and your white horse to come around.

Maybe I was naive, got lost in your eyes,
I never really had a chance.
My mistake I didn't know to be in love you
had to fight to have the upper hand.
I had so many dreams about you and me.
Happy endings, well now I know...

That I'm not a princess.
This ain't a fairytale.
I'm not the one you sweep off her feet,
Lead her up the stairwell.
This ain't Hollywood, this is a small town.
I was a dreamer before you went and let me down.
Now it's too late for you and your white horse to come around.

And there you are on your knees
Begging for forgiveness, begging for me
Just like I always wanted but, I'M SO SORRY

Cause I'm not your princess.
This ain't a fairytale.
I'm gonna find someone some day, who might actually treat me well.
This is a big world.
That was a small town, there in my rearview mirror disappearing now.
And it's too late for you and your white horse...
Its too late for you and your white horse to
catch me now.

Oh, oh, oh,
Try and catch me now ooh
Its too late
To catch me now <3 :--)

BATMANPAULA`<3Luonut: BATMANPAULA`Perjantai 15.07.2011 02:35

Sinä vain
ei muut mua huomiseen saa jaksamaan
Sinä vain
yksin pystyt mulle voimaa antamaan
Sinä vain
joka kerran rakkauden sait syttymään
Sinä vain
olet aina ainoain
<3S jätkä sää oot jotain parhainta & ihaninta &lt;pusu&gt;

-Pamppers<'3Luonut: -PamppersMaanantai 16.03.2009 21:10

Joku ystävä kerto kerran et rakkaus sattuu,
en ymmärtäny ennenku nyt se on loppu,
ajattelen sua joka ikinen kerta ku silmät vuotaa kyyneliä ja sielu huutaa verta,
ois helpompi vaa ehkä luovuttaa,
antaa kaikki pois ja tietää ettei voi voittaa,
yritä ymmärtää mul ei oo enää mtn,
sä veit sen kaiken sillo ku lähdit menemää,
monta kertaa ennenki oot tehny tän mulle,
tuntuisko nyt hyvältä jos tekisin sen sulle,
sä satutit mua ja revit mut palasiksi ,
vielä tiedä syytä sä teit sen selväksi,
mä tuhrin sut sydämmesi ympärille,
miks kaikki tämä tapahtui just meille,
yritä ymmärtää sä et oo enää mtn,
nytku tulita takas mä lähden menemää.
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