

Käyntejä: 2 499 (1.7.2008 alkaen)
122 jäsentä
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29,8 vuotta
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Poikien keski-ikä: 29,7 vuotta

Jäsenet (122)

« Uudemmat - Vanhemmat »

zipmunk:-_-_-_-_-DDLuonut: zipmunkLauantai 06.03.2010 19:31

It starts off like a thousand other songs that you've heard before
except in this one they do a little "Do-dododo-doo-do-do-doo"
so you try to change the station, but its playing on everyone
a bunch of shitty ass chords and lyrics recorded by a fucking moron
and ou assume that general public is not that stupid
you positive that nobody will want to listen to this
but you are wrong!

They wanna know the stupid motherfucking lame cuntsucking cookiecutter radio friendly song
and everyone sings along in their cars and at the mall
and in the office they all love the new radio friendly song

Unoriginal melody
why did john lennon have to be one to get shot, something's wrong
while these douchebags are all still alive
singing these asslicking songs
all these fucking unoriginal pussies that don't have anything to say
im not homophobic but this song is so fucking gay

you can barely retain the vomit that's rising in your throat
and you assume that everyone all think that this song's terrible
but you are wrong!

They wanna know the stupid motherfucking lame cuntsucking cookiecutter radio friendly song
and everyone sings along in their cars and at the mall,
and in the office they all love the new radio friendly piece of shit what a suckyass piece of shit,
i'd rather shoot myself into face than listen to this,
corporate bitchsinging stupid motherfucking lame cuntsucking cookiecutter radio friendly piece of shit

God i hate this shit...

ISOHURRI[Ei aihetta]Luonut: ISOHURRIKeskiviikko 12.08.2009 11:18

Women are stupid, and I don't respect them,
That's right, I just have sex with them,

Show me your genitals, your genitals,
Show me your genitals,
(Your genitalia!)
Show me your genitals, your genitals,
Show me your genitals,
(Your genitalia!)

You're talking to me about stuff, why?
I'd rather see your titties,
Now you're talking to me about other stuff, why?
I'd much rather see your titties,

I can't have sex with your personality,
And I can't put my penis in your college degree,
And I can't shove my fist in your childhood dreams,
So why're you sharing all this information with me?

It's not sexist 'cause I'm saying it in a song,
That's right bitch, now take off your thong, and...

Show me your genitals, your genitals,
Show me your genitals,
(Your genitalia!)
Show me your genitals, your genitals,
Show me your genitals,
(Your genitalia!)

Knock knock, who's there?
It's me, wondering why you're not naked,
Knock knock, who's there?
Me again, still wondering why you're not naked,

I wanna see your bum, I don't care what you say,
No I don't have feelings, 'cause feelings are gay,
Something something in the month of May,
Bitches love my penis 'cause it's really big,

Girl's brains are much stupider than men's are,
So they should always listen to us, 'cause we're smart,
Women are only good for three things,
Cooking, cleaning, and vaginas,

Show me your genitals, your genitals,
Show me your genitals,
(Your genitalia!)
Show me your genitals, your genitals,
Show me your genitals,
(Your genitalia!)

I can give good sex to you,
'Cause I'm really good at sex,
I can give good sex to you,
'Cause I'm really good at sex,

Aww yeah, that's right,
Shake your...bums,
I'm out of here,
I gotta...go have sex with a lot of girls.

MaggotcorpsJa toineLuonut: MaggotcorpsTorstai 04.12.2008 20:34

IÂ’m the Wayne Gretzky of sexual stuff.
IÂ’m the Hulk Hogan of slamming muff.
IÂ’m the Indiana Jones of exploring crotch.
IÂ’m the Shakespeare of enormous cock.
IÂ’m the Helen Keller of having sex.
No, waitÂ…thatÂ’s a bad example.

Maggotcorps[Ei aihetta]Luonut: MaggotcorpsTorstai 04.12.2008 20:31

I can't have sex with your personality,
And I can't put my penis in your college degree,
And I can't shove my fist in your childhood dreams,
So why're you sharing all this information with me?
« Uudemmat - Vanhemmat »