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PököShirtiesLuonut: PököMaanantai 26.07.2010 20:09

Ja "kokoelma" kasvaa.

Pyaka[Ei aihetta]Luonut: PyakaLauantai 30.01.2010 21:47

"Sometimes when Im alone,
I wonder aloud,
If you're watching over me
Some place far abound.
I must reverse my life
I can't live in the past.
Then set my soul free,
Belong to me at last."

Elfen[Ei aihetta]Luonut: ElfenTorstai 14.01.2010 16:55

Cheap cocaine, a dry inhale, the pills that kill and take
the pain away
Diet of life, shelter without, the face that cannot
see inside yours and mine

When I'm hiding, when I need it, it lets me
breathe, for our handle on this life, I don't believe
this time

Would you look at me now?
Can you tell I'm a man?
With these scars on my wrists
To prove I'll try again
Try to die again, try to live through this night
Try to die again.....

Forever fooling, free and using, sliding down the
slide that breaks a will
Mothers angel, getting smarter, how smart are
you to regress unfulfilled? It's a damn shame,
but who's to blame?

DrOctaviaR.I.P DimebagLuonut: DrOctaviaTiistai 08.12.2009 02:36

-idiot-Tuli aika onnistunutLuonut: -idiot-Keskiviikko 08.07.2009 02:26

1. Valitse artisti/yhtye: Pantera

2. Vastaa ainoastaan valitsemasi artistin/yhtyeen kappaleiden nimillä seuraaviin kysymyksiin:

3. Mies vai Nainen?: Medicine man
4. Kuvaile itseäsi: Fucking hostile
5. Mitä muut ajattelevat sinusta?: No good
6. Mitä sinä ajattelet itsestäsi?: Cowboy from hell
7. Kuvaile unelmiesi tyttöystävääsi: Goddamn electric
8. Missä asut?: Live in a hole
9. Missä sinä haluaisit olla/minne mennä?: The sleep
10. Mitä haluasit tehdä?: 5 minutes alone
11. Kuvaile kuinka elät: Regular people
12. Kuinka rakastat?: Domination
13. Mitä haluaisit sanoa ihastuksellesi?: Use my third arm
14. Mitä pyytäisit jos sinulla olisi vain yksi toive?: 25 years
15. Jaa viisaus kanssamme: By demons be driven
16. Mitä teet elääksesi?: Rise
17. Sano heihei: We'll meet again

Pencil[Ei aihetta]Luonut: PencilKeskiviikko 24.06.2009 13:50

Jeee, Mtv:ltä tulee Panteraa!

P.S Lauantain synttäriiit.

PyakaR.I.PLuonut: PyakaSunnuntai 10.05.2009 21:24

Hellionchild♥__♥Luonut: HellionchildSunnuntai 19.04.2009 13:51

Reverend, reverend...
Is this some conspiracy?
Crucified, for no sins...
Your image, beneath me.

Lost within my plans for life...
It all seemed so unreal.
I'm a man cut in half in this world...
Left in my misery.

Reverend, he turned to me...
Without a tear in his eyes.
It's nothing new for him to see...
I didn't ask him why.

I will remember...
The love our souls had sworn to make.
Now I watch the falling rain.
All my mind can see now is your...

Well, I guess, you took my youth...
And gave it all away.
Like the birth of a new-found joy...
This love would end in rage.

And when she died...
I couldn't cry.
The pride within my soul.
You left me incomplete.
All alone, as the memories now unfold.

Believe the word.
I will unlock my door...
And pass the cemetery gates.

Sometimes, when I'm alone...
I wonder aloud.
If you're watching over me...
Some place far abound.

I must reverse my life...
I can't live in the past.
Then set my soul free...
Belong to me at last.

Through all those complex years...
I thought I was alone.
I didn't care to look around...
And make this world my own.

And when she died...
I should've cried, and spared myself some pain.
You left me, incomplete.
All alone, as the memories still remain.

The way we were...
The chance to save my soul...
And my concern is now in vain.

Believe the word.
I will unlock my door...
And pass the cemetery...

The way we were...
The chance to save my soul...
And my concern is now in vain.

Believe the word.
I will unlock my door...
And pass the cemetery...


Cs_TatustinHAHhahahaHAHLuonut: Cs_TatustinMaanantai 09.02.2009 20:16

09.02.2009 18:07 <Killed_By_Death> SLAYER!
09.02.2009 18:07 <KOVO> Slayer ja Metallica ois kyl kova juttu samana päivänä
09.02.2009 18:07 <Killed_By_Death> harmi vaan että taitaa Metallica olla ainut ns. vanhan liiton bändi
09.02.2009 18:07 <KOVO> ja miksei vaik Panteraki
09.02.2009 18:08 <Killed_By_Death> se olis kyllä, sitten vois kusta hunajaa. mut eipä nyt hirveesti oikein kiinnosta mitä muita tänne tulee. kunhan tulee Metallica, vitusti porukkaa ja kaikilla on kivaa
09.02.2009 18:08 <Posti> <KOVO> ja miksei vaik Panteraki ...........>_< ton oli parempi ol vitsi
09.02.2009 18:10 <Posti> vai toimiiko muka pantera vieläki ilma dimebaggii?
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