

Televisio ja elokuvat
Käyntejä: 1 088 (1.7.2008 alkaen)
9 jäsentä
Tyttöjä: 9
21,3 vuotta
Otos: 6 jäsentä
Tyttöjen keski-ikä: 21,3 vuotta

Jäsenet (9)

« Uudemmat - Vanhemmat »
Shirogane: "Akira!!!" (Akira is going to get hit my the Old man)
Akira: "Shirogane, don´t do it!" (Shirogane is trying to kill the Old man but he doesn´t do it and gets hit in the wall)
Old man: "What did I..?"
Akira: "Shirogane, are you ok?" (Runs to Shirogane)
Shirogane: "Yes..."
Akira: "Stay still, your wound is severe. Wait here, I get Master..."
Shirogane: "We don´t have enough time. Go quickly to where Haruka is."
Akira: "You..."
Old man: "Mr. Shirogane, altough you were about to... why didn´t you kill me?"
Shirogane: "Why would that be? It must be because i love Akira so much, I didn´t do it."
Akira: "What are you talking about? Listen, don´t die on me until I get back."
Shirogane: "Yes."

The monochrome blows through our colorless encounter.
I shall entrust each of my pains to you
The unforgiving autumn, which forcefully traces my scars, comes
While your cool fingers still beckon me
After I'd melted, you tenderly save
The troublesome, icy me and and toy around with me with a kiss
Nevertheless, I search for a single form of love
Your dried eyes tied it to the present from a time far beyond
If I can, I want to end while shrouded this like
Together, we concealed our pale selves; the moon is hiding, too
How many nights did I come to love since then?
In the sea of dependence, I forget to even breathe
Even with your captivation, you only leave behind a tepid warmth
In the art of knowing when to quit, I dislike your conceited kisses
Don't leave me alone, perceive and color me already
What words will slip out of your room?
Being confused, falling asleep- Will you tell me about things beyond those?
Only the moon is looking at the sighs lost in the questions of smiles
When the next long needle points to the ceiling
You won't be around anymore; I won't need you anymore
Nevertheless, I definitely searched for a form of love
Your teary eyes tied it to the present from a time far beyond
If I can, I want to end while shrouded this like
Your wish and the night bring morning along in vain
Paint it with a tender, passionate, yet cowardly kiss
The moon illuminates our final night

Homurabi-sama on selvästi ihan salee Axel II! Ja Reno!
Ou mai gaaash, Shiroki oli nii håttis nuorempana (err, voiks se ees vanhentuu?) ja MITKÄ VAATTEET!
Eeeih, kenelle Homurabin parittas HA! KOU-NII! Kou x Homurabi! :33
Varmasti jotain sielunkumppaneita.
Joo, oke, ehkä katon ihan noi kaikki jaksot loppuun asti ja itken, kun MF loppuu. :<
Paitsi etten itke.

Simssien kaa sairas sekoilu. Toivottavast ei tarvii viedä PC'lle. :<

sansareyShiro, omg, mikä pedo.Luonut: sansareyLauantai 21.02.2009 04:55

Shirogane: "Don't you worry, I'll always be by your side. Whether you are surly or whether you're gracious, I'll always be with you till our hair turns gray."
Akira: "Eh? But isn't your hair gray already?"
S: "My hair is naturally white! Anyway, it's like this... I will never leave you, even for a second... Not when you're sleeping... I'll even be with you when you bathe."
A: "NO WAY!!!!"
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