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ItsNotMeNabari no Ou QuizLuonut: ItsNotMeMaanantai 28.11.2011 10:16

Nabari no Ou Quiz

Which Nabari character are you? Try to be honest with the answers.


[x] You are indifferent to many things.
[x] YouÂ’re good at cooking.
[ ] You were forced by someone to join a club at one point.
[ ] You have lost both your parents.
[x] You donÂ’t remember a lot from your childhood.
[ ] You work, or have worked in a restaurant.
[x] You have a cat.
[ ] To get what you want, you act cute, saying things like, “You’re mean,” pouting and pulling puppy-dog eyes.
[x] All you really want is love, but you donÂ’t want to tell anyone.
[ ] At least one of your teachers is Irish.

5/10, 50%


[ ] Life has no meaning for you.
[x] You have a scar somewhere on your body.
[ ] You donÂ’t get along with your parents and/or siblings.
[ ] You wail on anyone who calls you cute.
[ ] You have broken someoneÂ’s bones before.
[x] You point with your index finger a lot.
[x] You like lemonade. -
[ ] You eat voraciously.
[x] You have been getting sick lately.
[x] You wear lots of thick clothing, even if it isnÂ’t cold.

5/10, 50%


[ ] You are interested in swordplay.
[ ] You have a strong sense of justice.
[ ] You tend to mistake some people for other people when youÂ’re excited.
[x] YouÂ’re not very good at keeping secrets when youÂ’re excited.
[ ] Sometimes, you want to kill your older brother (if you have one).
[ ] You have a good relationship with your uncle.
[ ] You are close to your mom.
[ ] You tend to jump to conclusions.
[x] You consider yourself alone, when you have lots of friends.
[ ] YouÂ’re a sore loser.

2/10, 20%


[ ] You wear glasses.
[ ] You have odd hair and/or eye colour.
[ ] You have been called “four-eyes” on more than one occasion, and you don’t like it.
[x] You seem to be gentle.
[ ] You take your duties quite seriously, and are ruthless when youÂ’re angry.
[x] You look younger than you are.
[ ] You like owls.
[ ] You harbour a deep secret.
[ ] Apparently, you give “steamy, boring talks.”
[ ] You are apparently the socially unacceptable character.

2/10, 20%


[ ] You are teaching, or have taught English at one point.
[ ] You are from Ireland, or have an Irish background.
[x] You smoke. On that note, you quit smoking.
[ ] YouÂ’re entirely devoted to protecting the people dear to you.
[x] You donÂ’t like hurting people.
[ ] People have called you naïve.
[x] You remember something that no one else seems to remember.
[ ] You have a fear of all vehicles. Bikes included.
[ ] You have or had a girlfriend that was older than you and lived with you.
[ ] You are often fooled by cute people.

3/10, 30%


[ ] You think all kids are brats.
[x] YouÂ’d tell a friend that your door is always open for them, and to think of your house as shelter from the rain, etc.
[x] YouÂ’re very down-to-earth about things like working in solitude.
[x] YouÂ’re a freelance writer. If youÂ’re taking this quiz and youÂ’re not legal yet, you write stories.
[x] You have a younger sister. On that note, sheÂ’s a nurse. (Latter is optional)
[ ] You have taken a child into your custody recently.
[ ] Your father is currently in jail and was a drunkard.
[x] You have a cat, or had owned one at one point.
[ ] You have broken an arm before.
[ ] You keep a journal about the growth of whomever or whatever you have in your custody.

5/10, 50%


[x] Your hair was a different colour than it is now. In other words, you dyed it.
[ ] You had a very domineering mother.
[ ] Whenever youÂ’re depressed, your fashion sense turns erratic.
[ ] YouÂ’re good at swordplay/sword games. (Like the Legend of Zelda, for example.)
[x] You like flowers.
[ ] Lately, you seem to be seen as comic relief.
[x] YouÂ’re very loyal.
[x] You have a dear friend that you want to always look up to you.
[x] You have saved someone in the past. (DoesnÂ’t necessarily have to be their life.)
[x] YouÂ’re somewhat sadistic.

6/10, 60%


[ ] YouÂ’re a neat-freak.
[x] YouÂ’re very fussy in a messy place.
[ ] YouÂ’re good at paperwork.
[ ] You have someone you look up to.
[ ] On that note, that person you look up to has saved you before, which is why you look up to them.
[ ] YouÂ’re very idealistic.
[x] YouÂ’re a little quick-tempered.
[ ] You are a lapdog.
[ ] YouÂ’re extremely devoted to someone.
[ ] You would do anything to repay a debt.

2/10, 20%


[x] You act like a cat, or have been told you act like a cat.
[x] On that note, you like cats.
[x] You are much older than you look.
[x] Sneaking around without making any noise comes naturally to you.
[ ] You have long nails that will cause formidable injury if you ever got into a “cat fight.”
[ ] You like to climb things. Like a cat.
[x] You enjoy doing things for the sake of observation.
[ ] You have odd hair and/or eye colour.
[x] You have been friends with someone who wears glasses for a long time. (It doesnÂ’t matter whether the said person has been wearing glasses forever or just got them.)
[ ] You are quite blunt; your interactions with other people is somewhat rough.

6/10, 60%

nakatsuDODII :DLuonut: nakatsuTiistai 11.10.2011 03:24

tulipahan nyt sit katottua kuroshitsujiki : ) (itseasiassa sain sen päätökseen jo viime yönä mut olin laiska enkä jaksanu blogata tänne mitää) ((miks ees blogaan tänne mun animen kattomis juttuja hmm dunno ? XD))

mut nii siis oli hyvä anime, toiv. manga saapuu pian luettavakseniii :D

vuorossa pakko ihQtusta, valmistautukaa XD

vasemmalta oikealle: Claude, Alois, Ciel & Sebastian (aka seba / sebby XD ♥)

Sebby & Ciel ~ ♥

Grell & Sebbyyy ~ ♥ (mitenni tungen sebbyy jokapuolelle XD)

jajaja Undertakeeeeeer ~ ♥ that fucked up bastard ♥ XD

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

ja nythän ois sit vuorossa nooran suosittelema nabari no ou ;)

Day 01 - Your favorite song at the moment
Day 02 - A song that makes you happy
Day 03 - A song that makes you sad
Day 04 - A song that reminds you of someone
Day 05 - A song that reminds you of somewhere
Day 06 - A song that reminds you of a certain event
Day 07 - A song that you can dance to
Day 08 - A song that makes you fall asleep
Day 09 - A song from your favorite band
Day 10 - A song that no one would expect you to love
Day 11 - A song that describes you
Day 12 - A song from your favorite album
Day 13 - A song that you listen to when you're angry
Day 14 - A song that you listen to when you're happy

Day 15 - A song that you listen to when you're sad
Day 16 - A song that you want to play at your wedding
Day 17 - A song that you want to play at your funeral
Day 18 - A song that makes you laugh
Day 19 - Your favorite song at this time last year
Day 01 - Your favorite song at the moment
Day 02 - A song that makes you happy

Day 03 - A song that makes you sad
Day 04 - A song that reminds you of someone
Day 05 - A song that reminds you of somewhere
Day 06 - A song that reminds you of a certain event
Day 07 - A song that you can dance to
Day 08 - A song that makes you fall asleep
Day 09 - A song from your favorite band
Day 10 - A song that no one would expect you to love
Day 11 - A song that describes you
Day 12 - A song from your favorite album
Day 13 - A song that you listen to when you're angry
Day 14 - A song that you listen to when you're happy
Day 15 - A song that you listen to when you're sad
Day 16 - A song that you want to play at your wedding
Day 17 - A song that you want to play at your funeral
Day 18 - A song that makes you laugh
Day 19 - Your favorite song at this time last year

[Akuma_Elisa - Hikari <3Luonut: [Akuma_Lauantai 27.03.2010 13:30

The light that makes a journey to find love
Continues to chase after the future captured in my heart
If you open the hesitating door
You can walk into a new tomorrow

Painful memories
Sink deeply in the depths of my heart
The pain of loneliness
That no one else knows

Why do I always
Lose the most precious things?
The neverending rain
Sings of sadness again

Ah, without anyone noticing
I wander aimlessly in this town
Hey, even though
The truth can't be seen
You should believe in the path within yourself, it's there

The light that makes a journey to find love
Continues to chase after the future captured in my heart
If you open the hesitating door
You can fly into a new tomorrow

A teardrop floats through the wind
The flowing clouds and the blue skies beyond my reaches
I look up, alone, and take a vow quietly
That I will live embracing the neverending dream

The light that connects the faraway wish
It will surely bring hope and courage
Instead of counting the time that has passed
Let's make most of our time now

If your wish isn't granted and you are hurt
You just need to start over again from there, again and again
That's right, there isn't just one answer
You'll find happiness one day

It's finally, just finally, done.
The last episode. That was it.
I'll never forget you either.

YolkoCurrent obsessions~Luonut: YolkoTiistai 27.01.2009 17:25

(kopioin DA:n journalistani, siksi englanniksi)

I'm totally hooked on several animes again.. A while ago, I just had tons of unfinished projects and the watching wasn't that fun at all. None of the animes swept me away, I just watched from a force of habit and the only ones I watched while actually being really interested were Junjou Romantica 2 and Kuroshitsuji. Well, I'm still watching those two, but now I discovered two more awesome series. First, Nabari no Ou. I actually like ninja stuff but I haven't watched any ninja animes since Naruto is so horrible and nowadays the first ninja thing people think of - if I said I watch ninja animes people would assume that I watch Naruto.. But I really like Nabari no Ou, it totally beats Naruto, and I fell in love with all the characters. I actually watched few episodes of it when it started airing in Japan long ago, but somehow stopped watching it. But now I'm watching the rest of the episodes and I can't wait to read some lovely BL doujinshis and fanfics after finishing it. X3 The second anime that got me hooked is Kurokami the Animation. The thing that first got me interested about it was the mini album that Yousei Teikoku did for the series, Irodori no Sekai (the title song is the ED of the series), I've been a Yousei Teikoku fan for a long time now and just had to check it out. The pictures in the booklet seemed fairly interesting, so I took up the anime to see what's it like. It's truly awesome! I'm such a fan already! >3< I've always loved good fantasy action (To name some of my favorites, I'd say Mai-HiME, Fate/Stay Night, X tv, Rental Magica and so on) so Kurokami really blows me away. The quality of the animation, character designs and the story are all done so well. Can't wait for more..

As for music.. Besides Yousei Teikoku, I've been listening a lot of LM.C and Mindless Self Indulgence lately. Their new albums are really great, can't stop listening to them.. Atm, my favorite songs are On It (by MSI) and my girl (by LM.C), but to tell the truth, I pretty much love all the songs.. Can't wait for LM.C's gig - it's in two weeks! Omg! o.o And I heard my sister may be going to MSI's gig in America! Nice, I feel a bit jealous..
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