

Käyntejä: 1 150 (1.7.2008 alkaen)
8 jäsentä
Tyttöjä: 1 (13 %)
Poikia: 7 (87 %)
28,5 vuotta
Otos: 6 jäsentä
Tyttöjen keski-ikä: 25,6 vuotta
Poikien keski-ikä: 29,1 vuotta
Alexxx_Horror, AmanitaVirosa

Jäsenet (8)

« Uudemmat - Vanhemmat »
Forever, it feels like forever. This same situation seems to repeat itself!

Oh god what have I done? Why do I always wake up from these beds made from rusty nails?
Every morning more disgusting than the other, why cant the evenings succes follow me through the night? Why beaty fades with hours of sleep?
Good morning monster. How can I get away from this without sour faces?

Every time I open my eyes the reality strikes in... Fairytale over....Cinderella of my dreams now just a distant fantasy, something very different laying next to me.
Did I mistakenly say that I loved you just so I could get off with you, sorry darling but I´m taken, gay or something, anything just let me go!!!

I would like to say that it´s not you it´s me but I would be lying just look at you, fuck how drunk was I? I hope that you enjoyed it coz it will never happen again!!!

Mornings like these make me wish that I would have died in my sleep, some people never learn!!!


Alexxx_HorrorVirgin watersLuonut: Alexxx_HorrorMaanantai 15.09.2008 16:25

Virgin waters flow red, blunt force trauma in your head. Sweet memories, how could I forget the first time I saw you cry in agony, my brightest moment as the king of sodomy. I can only try to relive that feeling and the cold chills that ran down my spine as you finally gave yourself to me, give yourself to me... Cuffed ankles and broken nails, the ducktape across your fucking face, tears run down from your eyes oh god pretty sight, body filled with bloodred lines as she helplessly stared at the skies. Virgin waters flow red as your body falls lifeless in the bed. Your touch makes me sick everytime you come near to me I just want to rip out your heart, to destroy everything you love, is there any real emotions inside, anything real behind that fake smile? I want to show you how it´s like to feel by stripping you from everyhing you have. That´s not a fucking bleeding, I show you a Fucking bleeding BITCH!!!!
« Uudemmat - Vanhemmat »