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chi__otsider-aloneLuonut: chi__Tiistai 12.01.2010 20:26

Is there anyone to heal my wound
if i leave it alone, it's going to continually get worse
i'm really scared of love and people
i'm afraid of being alone, i'm afraid of being forgotten

always a loner, i close the door to my heart
bearing my sadness on my back, i live like a fool
i close my eyes and cover my ears
i lock myself in the gloomy darkness
i fight again with the other me who's hiding inside me

when he left, he told me
'even when you're next to me, it's like you're not there"
a blade-like love that brushes off when you touch it
it was a cold love where my heart froze over

yeah, living for one minute, one second is not living
everyday, i fear every day
someone, pull me out

the past times that i yearn for even in my dreams
hoping for those times to return to me, with an earnest heart
i prayed every night

i'm asking you to come back to me, to hold onto my hand
no matter how many times i call you, though i endlessly shout for you there's no response from you

in my memories, no matter how much i struggle to erase your existence
every night, in my dreams,
he appears, wiping away my falling tears
what should i do? say that everything is ok?
lie to myself? i can't take this anymore!

when it hurts, i hurt too. when it's sad, i'm sad too
my frozen heart keeps accusing me
really, it's the end. really, i'm okay
the tears that i've held in keeps pouring down on me.
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