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Lili-omegle <3Luonut: Lili-Lauantai 26.12.2009 03:07

You: hello
Stranger: Now I'm speechless over the edge and just breathless You: I never thought I'd catch this lovebug again. <33
You: O.o
You: ... ... okay..
You: sorry i've never heard any of their songs..
Your conversational partner has disconnected.

aika ilkeetä. yhyy.

|inda--nomutku...Luonut: |inda--Maanantai 26.10.2009 21:12

HE'S JUST ADORABLE! &lt;sydän&gt;

I'm dying here people! ...again :D *faint*

jjanika-HAPPY BIRTHDAY JOE!! Luonut: jjanika-Sunnuntai 16.08.2009 02:27

Happy 20th Birthday Joe!! <sydän><pusu><tuuletus>

Aasu]JOSEPH ADAM JONAS Luonut: Aasu]Lauantai 15.08.2009 15:06

isoisoisohali ja pusu ja HAPPY B-DAY !!<3
hemmetti aika menee viuh !! joey 20v !<3

Aasu]#WeLoveYouJoe ♥Luonut: Aasu]Perjantai 31.07.2009 16:53

Her: Joe, did you see the 'we love you joe jonas' thing on twitter?
Him: Yes! I saw that! Thank you soooo much, I really really appreciate it.
*picture taken, she starts to walk out*
Him: *grabs her arm* I REALLY loved the twitter thing. Thank you, again.
Her: No problem!

jjanika-eikäLuonut: jjanika-Maanantai 27.07.2009 21:56

:'''< tyhmät.
Joe: 'Sometimes, you see a very pretty girl in the audience and you think, 'I hope she's a fan of me,' and then you realize that she's Nick's fan, because she's holding a sign that says, 'Nick, look at me,' or, 'Nick, I'm your wife and
you just don't know it.' And you're like, 'Oh, bummer.''

jjanika-[Ei aihetta]Luonut: jjanika-Sunnuntai 21.12.2008 12:20

awsffhashskaiejöä <3
ja toi saadaan näyttää suomeski ! jos ei ni sit se on nirri pois joltai -.-
mut ihiihihiiii kyl se varmaa ehkä toivottavasti ku se hannah montana jutskaki ni kyl ainaki varmaa eoerijdlkfjlkjdfkjf en tiiä :)

jjanika-awwwawawawawwawwwwwww <3Luonut: jjanika-Lauantai 20.12.2008 21:52

vooooi Joe parka pelästy :D <sydän><pusu>

ja jeijeiejiejeeijjjejjejejieiejejejjeee btw Jonaseilt tulee uus levy ens kesän !!! <3433<33<344738w58907y908i0+´543598327e8 87096 ihiihhihihiihhiih jeeeee !!!!
tulis jo nyt<3
+++++++ siiiitj ooso ne tulel ivel suomemen oodisdyhasjkhslallasjlasjh <333438724+9540 9937821492 3530258 9+49´02 iködjölkmj.mbm
ihiihihiihihii ooon iha sekaisidisidi i<3750359907

ryro-[Ei aihetta]Luonut: ryro-Sunnuntai 26.10.2008 23:57

" i learned my lesson
i showered in cold water
i looked at a tree
it's been three hours now
i need hairproduct "

:DDDDD ei please, CR on niin paras.


varmaan ei oo käyny epäselväks mikä on mun lempibändi tai jotain.
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