

Käyntejä: 1 156
11 jäsentä
Tyttöjä: 7 (64 %)
Poikia: 4 (36 %)
25,5 vuotta
Otos: 9 jäsentä
Tyttöjen keski-ikä: 25,9 vuotta
Poikien keski-ikä: 24,2 vuotta
pirius, Bruikkis, PikkuJori, jeNnY-Y, NorthernPaladin, peerustuuma, Majiga, P-E-G

Jäsenet (11)

« Uudemmat - Vanhemmat »
Jarden träkki....
hyvää yötä vanha frendi
näe kauniimpia unia...

Hannu rakas...niin moni sua ikävöi ja kaipaa..
oliks sun pakko mennä kuolemaan...

Majigahannulle...Luonut: MajigaPerjantai 19.09.2008 21:27

Your light was always shining on my way
There are so many things I'd like to say
So many words were left unsaid
Before you flew away

So in my heart I'm sending you my love
I'm giving it wings so it can fly
And reach you where ever you are

And the years go by
Still the years go by..forever

You used to play in the summers in the grass
I always thought of you fragile as glass
Your memory is all that I now have

Some things here are so hard to understand
I thank you for the love and take your hand
Some of us down here are born as angels

And the years go by
Still the years go by..forever

Angels are calling
Heaven is crying
Crying tears of blood 'cos it was not your time
Angels are calling
Hard rain is falling
Covering my tears an my pain

MajigaAngel of dopeLuonut: MajigaPerjantai 15.08.2008 21:14

All those times when Iwas drowning in my pain
and I tried to make you follow
I just wanted you to be mine
I just tried to ease my sorrow
And I want to apologize,
I just never felt inwardly fine
I truly needed you to keep me alive

You were my point of support
you were my angel of dope
you showed me those beautiful things
you helped me to find my magic wings
you knew how to make me feel
that I am finally somebody
you showed me what makes me happy
but honey, you made me drug addict

Help me, help me to fly, my misery is stopping by
Make it, make it go away, don't let it stay
Help me to run away...

You are just looking at me...I can't breathe..
your magicdust is hurting me..I can't sleep..
You're leaving me alone, you enjoy watching..
I'm crawling behind've done your job
you made me go too far..I am fading...
fading to the eternity an never coming back..
My angel of dope made me fall....

(kirjoitettu 12.5.2004 Hannun innoittamana...)

Majigasiellä jossain....Luonut: MajigaTiistai 05.08.2008 23:15

pitäkää pojat hauskaa ja naurakaa paskasesti kaikille meille ketkä teidän perään itkee :')
eiköhän sitä nähdä sit siellä jossain, kaikki sinne tulee, jokainen vuorollaan...
ikävää, et toiset joutuu lähtee vaa nii äkkiä..
Taas meitä on yks vähemmän.
Tahti kovenee vuos vuodelta. Kuka seuraavaks?
Tääl on vähän vitun sairasta.
Sä pääsit pois. Sleep in peace.

'i see u when u get there..' <3
« Uudemmat - Vanhemmat »