

Käyntejä: 533
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psychokillerMorning SunLuonut: psychokillerKeskiviikko 03.08.2011 02:13

♥ moro paskat

EllaauI didn't want to lose you ..Luonut: EllaauSunnuntai 20.03.2011 17:02

but maybe this is the end .

WTSbreakin' the habit.Luonut: WTSMaanantai 14.02.2011 17:30

I tried, I tried so hard to make this work, after all,
that we could be friends, but why, why is it so fuckin' hard...
...Maybe it's time to move on
ens kuussa poni lähtee :( tulee ikävä ♥

Ellaau[Ei aihetta]Luonut: EllaauKeskiviikko 17.11.2010 21:02

« Se on loppu
« Sil ei oo enää väliä

_Ultima^Face UnforgottenLuonut: _Ultima^Lauantai 13.06.2009 23:19

i last saw you long ago, but i still haven't forgot your face.
haven't forgotten smell of your hair, or your beautyful eyes,
witch once maid me fall in love with you, my love.
but it turned into a total hell, witch i hadn't seen before.
i rised from it, but you dropped lower even from there.
Now you ask me to forgive you. but it's not possible anymore.
Burn in Hell With My Memories
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