

Käyntejä: 866
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« Uudemmat - Vanhemmat »

eveäö`17Luonut: eveäö`Keskiviikko 11.08.2010 20:29

Kommentointisi on estetty puoleksi tunniksi floodaamisen vuoksi. Noudatathan jatkossa IRC-Gallerian sääntöjä!

kaikki menee jatkaa mun vallotust !!

~ kaisamäään ~

DzudI'M IN LÖÖÖÖÖÖÖVLuonut: DzudLauantai 25.07.2009 05:30

I've been waiting my whole life
For a someone like you
To go and pick me up and take away my blues
It's been one hell of a year
In my own shoes
But I've got some questions for you

Did it hurt when you fell from heaven
Did it hurt just to know I was right here waitin
Do you know, do you know
It was love from the first time we touched

I've been waiting my whole life
For a someone like you
To go and steal my heart
Just the way you do
It's been one hell of a year
Here waitin on you
So I've got some questions for you

Did it hurt when you fell from heaven
Did it hurt just to know I was right here waiting
Do you know, do you know
It was love from the first time we touched
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