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kaurakahviGIGGLESNORTROFLMAOLuonut: kaurakahviMaanantai 03.05.2010 23:49

Nää ihmiset aina piristää mun päivääni!
"These believers were just signing “Nothing but the Blood of Jesus” and “Oh the Blood of Jesus.” Then they started shouting foul language and calling them names like “haters” and “bigots.” The article said they started throwing hot coffee, soda, alcohol, and spitting (maybe even peeing) on them. Blowing those whistles just inches away from their ears continually. Then, the violence comes complete with shoving and death threats of “I am going to kill you.” This violence turns into perversion as they begin touching and grabbing these young believers, trying to shove things in their butt, with one pervert even trying to take the pants off of the Christian."

Tuolta puuttuu vaan lista siitä, mitä "kristityt" tekee homoille...

Beat-[Ei aihetta]Luonut: Beat-Torstai 20.08.2009 22:03

ähähähä. joni o iha sekasi ;D

imka[Ei aihetta]Luonut: imkaTorstai 05.03.2009 22:49

no mikäs vittu kaikkia vaivaa?
kun on toi 'mun kuva' niin sitte joittenki pissisten pitää mennä aina kerään huomio itteensä floodaamalla että 'ette uskalla tulla sanoon moi'. voi juma. -.-
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