Huh, jännittävää! Sadan prossan yli ei varmaan enää päästä tässä vaiheessa, mutta 80%:n saavuttaminenkin ois aika siistiä! Ja menestyshän tää on ollut, kun kerran reissu toteutuu ja päästään pöristelemään koko Ameriikan mantereen halki :)
Muokkasin & postasin tänään uusia Thor-kuvia jotka otettiin pari kuukautta sitten Lontoossa, eli helou vaan Marvel-fanit. Toivottavasti tykkäätte!
I don't really remember anything about the plot from my last night's dream, but I do remember what happened just before I woke up. It's obvious I've been fanning over too much The Avengers stuff lately, especially Thor and Loki.
You see, in my dream Thor was living in the apartment building where my BFF, Laura, currently lives, and where I, myself, have once resided. Suddenly he just came ~thundering out of the building, because Loki was walking on the adjacent sand road, and Thor was sure his brother was up to his tricks again. But alas, it wasn't the case this time, for Loki was just on his way to work: to the hair salon next door. XD
Would you let the God of Mischief do your hair? I mean, his own locks are luscious, but I do have a feeling you might be in for a surprise once he was done...