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« Uudemmat - Vanhemmat »

Nuutti|-Luonut: Nuutti|Torstai 01.07.2010 04:36

Stranger: well i should get going...
Stranger: so have fun
You: i try
Stranger: try to find some bananas
You: hell yeah.
Stranger: that may help your case
Stranger: bye


MUSTATIIKERIOmegle <3Luonut: MUSTATIIKERILauantai 21.11.2009 16:01

tappakaa mut.=______=
Stranger: if u get a log on for it i will HAPPILY jerk off and finger my ass on cam 4u
Stranger: but u gotta hurry b4 my wife wakes up in about 30 minutes
You: ...
Stranger: i will jerk off in my hand & eat it if u watch

On siellä onneks ihan kunnollisiakin ihmisiä. ._.
1. You: Whats the capital of Finland?
Stranger: No idea. Never had to learn it.

2. You: Whats the capital of Finland?
Stranger: my balls

3. You: Whats the capital of Finland?
Stranger: NO RAPIST!!

4. You: Whats the capital of Finland?
Stranger: oslo

5. You: Whats the capital of Finland?
Stranger: köbenhaven ?

6. You: Whats the capital of Finland?
Stranger: alkfdsjdsa

7. You: Whats the capital of Finland?
Stranger: i havent a clue xD

8. You: Whats the capital of Finland?
Stranger: Helsinki
You: how you know ? :o
Stranger: Everybody should know.
Stranger: I live in Helsinki.
Stranger: hola
You: Holaaa
Stranger: Parla Catalá?
You: wow spanish :D
Stranger: No, catalan :P
You: ahaha kk :D
Stranger: You answered my question anyway.
You: cool :)
Stranger: not to worry, i speeky very wel gud england.
You: yeah i seee
You: wey gut :D
Stranger: heh, i'm not that bad. don't worry ;)
You: yeah ok i believe you ;)
Stranger: where abouts are you from?
You: finlaand :D
You: and youu
You: catalan? :P
Stranger: Andorra
You: ahaha
You: cool :)
Stranger: boobs and also willies.
Stranger: ................................................. ..........................._,-~"¯¯"~-,
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NÄKÖRÅDIO[Ei aihetta]Luonut: NÄKÖRÅDIOLauantai 13.06.2009 20:35

i tought that u are gril :---o

nyt tuli suru puseroon -tai housuun...

haemoglobin[Ei aihetta]Luonut: haemoglobinTiistai 14.04.2009 04:29

mun piti mennä nukkuun mut oon täs jutellu omegles jonku ihmisen kanssa pitäskö sen tappaa eka harry potter vai edward cullen. ei olla päästy päätökseen

kanelitanko[Ei aihetta]Luonut: kanelitankoTiistai 07.04.2009 18:51

You: how are you?
Stranger: I'm fine, and you?
You: fine, thanks. where are you from?
Stranger: Portugal, and you?
You: Finland
Stranger: how are there so many finnish here'
You: have you talked to many finns?
Stranger: more than half of my conversations have been with finns

Stranger: hello !
Stranger: hi , then
Stranger: from ?
You: finland. you?
Stranger: oh not again

You: hi
Stranger: Hi stranger!
Stranger: how are you?
You: fine, thanks. and you?
Stranger: prety fine.. just playing with my guitar...
Stranger: Where you from?
You: finland. and you?
Stranger: :D
Stranger: Ei perkele
kiva kun useimmat lähtee pois kun kuulee et oon suomest O.o pitää ruvet kertoo et oon ruottalaine
« Uudemmat - Vanhemmat »