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« Uudemmat - Vanhemmat »

PeacerOmegle ★Luonut: PeacerTorstai 08.04.2010 17:15

Piristi niin mun päivää ! : DDD ♥

You: where r u from? :P'
Stranger: turkey u?
You: cool. Finland :D
Stranger: ti kool re
Stranger: oh!!
Stranger: lordi???
You: yeah lordi haha : D
Stranger: they suck.......
Stranger: joke
You: yeap
Stranger: u study?
You: yeah, not right now :D school is over, at home now
Stranger: im studing too
Stranger: im in suicide bombers school!!!!
Stranger: im gonna finish in a year!!!
You: haha xD come to finland
You: oh yeahh
Stranger: ooo nooo there i like finland
You: what ur gonna explode? :P
You: fuck finland !
You: it sux
Stranger: come ill bomb my self
Stranger: in turkey
You: lol why
Stranger: becase turkey suck
You: shouldn't u be on airplane or something? ;D
You: haha lawl
Stranger: nooooo
Stranger: i have c4 on my back
Stranger: i run and booooommmmm
You: OH I KNOW. EXPLODE u know that DUBAI new tower!!! damn it's big !
Stranger: hell yeah
You: kaboom
Stranger: something like that
Stranger: im gonna chek out if my c4 works
You: yeah : DDD
You: info me then~
Stranger: from heaven???
You: why not
Stranger: they dont have pc's there!!
You: there's still life prob
Stranger: maybe....
You: scream from the clouds
You: i'll hear u
Stranger: oh thats gooood!!!!!
Stranger: ill do it
Stranger: im gonna blow up my sister now
Stranger: she is so fat
You: hahaha mine too...
Stranger: blood everywere
You: oh yeah, gonna me nasty and dirty
You: expode her outside
Stranger: right....
Stranger: i didnt thout that
You: be*
You: yeah.. : D
Stranger: hahaha
Stranger: come with me my friend lets explow together
Stranger: its just a booooooooooooooommmmmmm
You: i'm in !! let's hide all c4 over the world and click one buttom and BOOM <3
Stranger: i love your thoughts
You: ;D
Stranger: one button one explow and we all fly
You: yeap! or we get into spaceship and watch together when world explode lawl~
You: that's gonna be sweet
You: and we land to the mars and start new evolution! in our control! were the bosss on MARS oh yeah
You: :______________________ D
Stranger: ok dude i must explow now
You: okay dude, see u in heaven !
Stranger: i dont really thinking of heaven....
Stranger: somthing with fires maybe!!!!
You: u mean hell?
Stranger: oh yeah
You: at least theres warmer~
Stranger: and a guy with horns
You: that's hot
Stranger: ill explow him too
You: oh yeah nice
You: i wonder will he/she go to heaven then
Stranger: we ll have hell together
Stranger: we rule
You: sounds good !
Stranger: not only
Stranger: i have to tell u
You: or we keep hell guy as our slave lol
Stranger: im from greece and i hate turkey
Stranger: :D
You: ahahaha pwned XD
You: i still from finland damned
Stranger: hell yeah!!!
Stranger: c u in ragnarok
You: that word sound so i know it somewhere.. like in game or something lol
Stranger: i have to explow my food!!!! take care dude nice to talk with ya!!!
You: yeah have fun ! goodbye my friend <3
Stranger: hail finland!!!!
Stranger: cheers beers!!!
You: /cheer
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