

Käyntejä: 2 498
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Poikien keski-ikä: 28,7 vuotta

Jäsenet (27)

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BOOFFSWBPLuonut: BOOFFTiistai 06.04.2010 20:16

Nyt kaikki runkkarit käytte kuuntelee swpb:n uuden sinkun "Valentine's Doom" ja kattoo samalla uudistuneen swpb:n täältä:

Kauan odotettu vlog numero 2 vihdoinkin valmiina. Nauttikaa ja koittakaa auttaa promottamisessa mua sen verran että laittasitte tämän videon omaan blogiin kiitos (varsinkin kaikki street team jäsenet) tästä saatte luultavasti tarpeeksi tietoa tulevasta kokoonpanosta. ENJOY! <3


Luv you guys/girls <3

Ps. levittäkää oikeesti ympäri galleriaa

ALTSUONAWWPHOTOS!Luonut: ALTSUONAWWPerjantai 26.02.2010 15:38

Altsu lähtee illalla photoshoottiin swpb:n poikien kanssa. Onneks maaliskuussa kuvat on pihalla, niin pääsette nautimaan täysin uudistuneesta swpb:stä.

Ps. ite oot EMO!
Aseta tämä video omaan blogiin:

Allan Jeremy Cotterill
The End Of You And Me (Riley)

Daddy can you hear me sing this song?
You're never with me singing along
Cause I'm just your son you left alone
And I'm just a no one you don't wanna know
Send me a postcard here's my address
My birthday's this year you always forget
It's February 25th you should know
And Christmas in December no gift will show
Can you remember the day I left
The innocent child with so much ahead
I've grown up now I'm on my own twos
But you've lost your boy and I've lost you
Can you see us broken hearted
This is just the way you like it
Miles and miles away without you
Without me without you
We've lost everything
And you know it's true
Maybe all of this was meant to be
The end of you and me
Mother you can hear me sing this song
Your always with me singing along
With you by my side I'm not alone
You're holding my hand I'll never let go
Send me a postcard heres my address
My birthday's this year you never forget
It's February 25th I know you know
And Christmas in December your gift will show
Can you remember the day I left
The innocent child with so much ahead
I've grown up now I'm on my own twos
But you've got your boy and I've got you
Can you see us broken hearted
This is just the way you like it
Miles and miles away without you
Riley I hope u can here this
Riley I hope u can here this song
Riley I know u can here this
Riley I know u can here this song
Can you see us broken hearted
This is just the way you like it
Miles and miles away without you
Without me without you
We'we lost everything
And you know it's true
Maybe all of this was ment to be
The end of you and me...
Daddy can you hear me sing this song?
You're never with me singing along
Cause I'm just your son, you lived alone
And now just a no one you don't wanna know
Send me a postcard heres my address
My birthdays been here you always forget
Its february 25th you should know
Christmas and December no gift will show
Can you remember the day i left
Innocent child whit so much ahead
Grown-up now I made my own choice
You lost your fire and i've lost you

Can you see your broken heart and
this is just a way you liked it
Miles and miles away without you [2x] 

Without me, without you
We've lost everything
and you know its true
Maybe all of this was meant to be
the end of you and me

Mother you can hear me sing this song
Your always with me singing along
You by my side I'm not alone
Your holding my hand and ill never let go
Send me a postcard heres my address
My birthdays here, you never forget
Its February 25th and i know you know
Christmas and December your gift will show
Can you remember the day i left
Innocent child whit so much ahead
Im grown-up now I made my own choice
You got your fire and i've got you

Can you see your broken heart and
this is just a way you liked it
Miles and miles away without you [2x]

Without you!

Riley i hope u can here this
Riley i hope u can here this song [2x]
Riley i know u can here this
Riley i know u can here this song [2x]

Can you see your broken heart and
this is just a way you liked it
Miles and miles away without you [4x]

Without me, without you
Without everything
and you know its true
Maybe all of this was ment to be [2x]

The end of you and me...

PS: En ole sitten yhtään varma onko koko biisi oikeen, mut parist kohast oon ihan varma, ja parist en yhtään varma, eli saa sit sanoo jos on joku kohta väärin ^^

Ootteko ihmiset kuullu semmosista mahtavista pojista kuin Allan, Tuomo, Juuso, Teemu ja Jace ? Jos ootte nii erittäin mahtava juttu, mutta jos ette nii ootte menettäny paaaaaaaaaljon ! Nimittäin näillä pojilla on mahtava bändi nimeltä Snow White's Poison Bite, lyhemmin SWPB. Se on ehdottomasti kuunneltavaa materiaalia !

SWPB:n laulajakitaristilla on vielä oma sivuprojekti joka on myös kuuntelemisen arvoinen !

Muistakaa kuunnella nää:

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~nakki kuittaa

CaitlynMii Laiks!Luonut: CaitlynSunnuntai 06.09.2009 21:59

lluvia^Hei nyt!Luonut: lluvia^Perjantai 04.09.2009 18:28

Kaikki immeiset jotka tajuaa jotain musiikin päälle,
menkää kuuntelemaan allanin biisi!

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