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J_Mursu, clarkkentband

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Himoitse Clarkkentin " i do " -biisiä !
Suunnittele ja toteuta Clarkkent paita Freezing moment teemalla, bändi valitsee voittajan! Voittajapaita tullaan näkemään Nosturissa 24.10 Clarkkentin keikalla, ja sen valmistanut taiteilijanalku palkitaan mm. Freezing Moment videon DVDllä.

Toteutus: Paita voi olla alusta asti itse ompelemasi, mutta voit myös tuunata valmiin paidan, virkata, neuloa tai mitä tahansa, kunhan lopputulos on paidaksi luokiteltava vaatekappale. Voit toteuttaa visiotasi maalaten, ommellen helmiä ja paljetteja, liimaten koristeita jne, päätös on sinun!

Säännöt: Paidan tulee sisältää sana Clarkkent sekä myötäillä teemaa Freezing moment. Paidan tulee olla itse valmistamasi / tuunaamasi.

Lisätiedot: Liitä paidan oheen teksti, jossa kerrot mistä idea lähti, ja mitä paita mielestäsi kuvastaa. Kerro myös lyhyesti tekoprosessista, käytitkö valmista paitaa vai ompelitko itse.

Huomio: Paitoja EI automaattisesti palauteta postitse tekijöilleen. Asiasta voidaan tarvittaessa sopia.

Laita paita postiin viimeistään ma 19.10, jotta se ehtii ajoissa perille. Voit myös toimittaa paidan ennen Nosturin keikkaa keikkapaikalle, ovien auetessa. Ilmoita tällöin sähköpostitse puhelinnumerosi ja tieto, että olet osallistumassa kisaan. Laita valokuva työstäsi mailin oheen. Sovitaan mailitse paidan vastaanotosta. Huom! Bändi itse ei ota paitoja vastaan, vaan siitä vastaa monitoiminainen.

Yhteystiedot: Muista mainita etu- ja sukunimesi, ikäsi, sähköpostiosoitteesi sekä postiosoitteesi mahdollista palkinnonpostitusta varten. Kerro myös viestissäsi, saavutko kyseiselle Nosturin keikalle.

Paidat voi postittaa osoitteeseen:
Neiti Eerola
Pinninkatu 14 A 13
33100 Tampere

The Freezing Moment video shoot went really well. The only thing I didn't think of before the whole project was that it's fucking tough to do everything yourself. I mean with just 1 band of people. I understood that there truly is a reason why people hire a crew to do camera, lights, playback, sound, editing... it leaves time for consentrating, performing etc. But anyways. It was fun!

First we shot the story (sunday @ Merihaka) which is projected on the band. Mikko was behind the camera - thank him soo much! There's a possibility that would have looked like crap if we had done it ourselves. And James offered to drive the other car for us to get to places. Of course Mursu would have been the driver but cops took his license away decades ago for speeding all the time... (He truly had one ;) ).

We did the actual shoot @ Nosturi venue on wednesday. It took us 15 hours to do the job so it was a long day. I'm so proud how it looks at the moment. My friend Antti "the assfucker" will help us do the colors and stuff next week so hopefully you'll see the video in a week or so! Can't wait to show it! Oh. And a special thanks goes to Ville for the camera stuff.

We had a great time @ Semifinal. Great show, great audience. Thank you all who showed up.
We're shooting a video for "Freezig moment"! Today's day1. Day2 is wednesday. The script and visual ideas are really cool so I'm sure it will also look cool :) Since we have so much talent and vision in this band we decided to do the whole thing by ourselves! Are we punk? noo. Enthusiastic? of course. Okay - Mikko (Riikonen) and our dear friend James (the driver) have offered a helping hand. But anyways. I'm late already so gotta go. see ya soon.

clarkkentband31/7/2009 - ck familyLuonut: clarkkentbandMaanantai 12.10.2009 17:39

hey ya'll rockers!
summers almost finished here, how did it go by soooooooo fast? i must be gettin' old... =D

but you know what? we got tattooed this week, all four of us, to honor the commitment we have for this band. you know, if you have toured around with the same guys for ages, you have been hanging around our rehearsal place at nosturi for many many hours, had good times together and some bad as well, it really feels like this has become your other family. and we couldn't get something like wedding rings to show others the bond between us, so we did this! =D and they came up really cool! so thanks to mr. harrison @ sacred tattoo.

other news include something about ck being really creative, we decide to write new stuff and after 2 times hangin' at nosturi we have 2 new ck songs done, pretty sweet, huh?!

so, for now, may the sun shine on you for the rest of summer, we continue being creative! see ya around.

ps. suomen ihmiset! clarkkent streetteam on alkanut kasaantumaan hienosti, väkeä löytyy tällä hetkellä helsingistä tornioon saakka. jos kiinnostusta löytyy niin hyppää kelkkaan mukaan, 'aight!?

clarkkentband12/7/2009 - CK SummerLuonut: clarkkentbandMaanantai 12.10.2009 17:38

I've been taking it easy for a while now and all I can say about it is: ahh. We decided to take a well earned "few weeks off" and reload our batteries after the most exiting spring ever! Clarkkent is doing well. The guys are highly motivated and anxious to get back on stage. That's sweet.
The master plan for this summer is to write new songs and try to go thru all the ideas we haven't had the time to try out so far. (Although I know that we'll concentrate on new material and all the old ones will slowly die just like before). It's way too early to even think about making a second album but I'm sure that it won't hurt if we have some great songs ready. Songs are what bands do :)

Oh, and for the Finns reading this:
Jos diggaatte meistä, niin me digataan teistä. Ja sitä varten on olemassa Clarkkent Street Team! Loppu on historiaa. Rentoa kesää.

Enjoy your summer. I know I will.

I'm so happy that it's our third single! It's one of the last songs we finished recording for "this is personal" and one of the few songs done entirely at sonic kitchen. I think it sounds just awesome.
I wrote it something like a year ago when I was feeling kind of down.. sometimes it feels that there is no hope in life. like when something you truly believe in turns out to be something entirely different.. why do I write only when I'm sad? I don't actually know if I've ever written a happy one... oh well... I made a rough demo of the song and played it to the boys the next day. They liked it immediately but it took quite a while until we found the right time to try to arrange and finish it together as a band. But once we got started the rest was easy. I just love it when the guys get all enthusiastic and do their best to make a song sound great. (After their treatment any song sounds like Clarkkent) It's not always that simple with a slower song and a rock band :) This time it was.
Something's up with the world today... two bands cancel gigs ... OUJEAH! Sorry for the unlucky ones but GREAT for us because we didn't have any gigs booked for November. So we played couple of surprise shows and haven't been recording like we're supposed to :) I don't mind. We're not in a hurry - unless Backlund decides to have a 6 year holiday starting tomorrow ... We heard of the Virgin Oil Co gig a day before ... no rehearsal except the soundcheck - because we HAD to go and have a "few" beers a the Rumba25 party .. And Clarkkent LIVE ON RADIO X3M on wednesday - no rehearsal ... I'd like to TACK! YLE x3m for a great night and even liking us! I really enjoyed playing to a swedish speaking crowd.

Jacques Chirac
mites tässä nyt näin kävi! Te siis selvästikin haluatte meille hyvää kun tollalailla äänestelette :) Hyvä fiilis. Mahtava! Käytiin Himotuimmat aiheen tiimoilta Kustin kanssa vähän sekoilemassa ylexin toimituksessa.. ehkä joku kuulikin sen haastiksen lauantaina. Mä en kuullut, koska heräsin klo 15.. nukutti ... toivottavasti ne saa sen laitettua nettiin joskus. Tehtiin pe lauluja Backlundin kera iltaan asti "pienessä juhlatunnelmassa" . . jatkettiin sitten lauantai-iltana "pienessä juhlatunnelmassa" ja hyvää jälkeä tuli. Biisin työnimi on Freezing moment ja siinä on thoudella hyvä eteenpäinmeininki-ainakin kun kuuntelee illalla "pienessä juhlatunnelmassa" :) äänestäkää himotuimmissa lisää - mä pidän siitä !!


how did this happen?! It seems to me that you guys really want to push us forward :) ...exellent.. (with the voice of Mr. Burns)! We went and did an interview for ylex with Kusti in pure Clarkkent style. No preparations - no limitations ... unfortunately I didn't hear it myself on saturday because I was sleeping. We we're recording vocals on friday for a song called "Freezing moment". Mr. Jukka backlund's working method was proven to be quite rockNroll !! More or less one beer per one take ... for the singer I mean (that would be me) and as you can imagine after a few takes somehow ... well, what can I say. I was feeling young and I needed the money - Jukka's money - to go to the bar!! so we finished the song on saturday. anyway. Keep on voting Clarkkent at - I like to be 1. Thanks, people.

J.R. (Ewing)
No nyt se biisi soi niin paljon, etten todeksi usko.. ! Se kuumotuksen tunne jonka saa, kun kuulee oman bändin biisin radiossa, saa mut pyörimään ympyrää huoneessa ja järjestelemään kamoja pöydillä pakkomielteisesti eestaas. niin siistiä. niin ahdistavaa. Jos joku lukee tätä niin käy jotenkin kommentoimassa inmyarmsia vaikka ylexin sivuilla ja äänestä jos pidät. pakko saada tietää mitä jengi on mieltä, koska tää ettei ole edes just nyt keikkaa on THOUDELLA outoa/vitun ärsyttävää.Soittaessa saa palautteen/fiiliksen jengiltä heti, mutta tää tällanen radiokikkailu on mulle ihan uutta. Kunhan vaan saa tietää. ainiin, hei Tintti (ks friends comments) kyllä. se on itseironiaa.

this is an attempt to translate what I just wrote in finnish:

It's hard to describe the feelings I go thru when I hear our song on the radio... ! so awesome but still some crazy shit. It's somehow easier to know how people feel about your music when you're playing live - the response is so immediate. The whole radio thing is new to me.. so, if there's anybody reading this - I want you to write and tell me how you feel about "in my arms" because otherwise we'll never know. Do it at ylex website or wherever. and thanks for that. We should be recording at Sonic Kitchen this week. sweet :)

-Jaakko Rikko-
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