Viisikymmentäyksi vuotta, onnitteluni siitä!♥
Voikun olisit täällä meidän kanssa juhlimassa,
mutta eiköhän teillä siellä ylhäällä ole myös
kivat bileet käynnissä 8)
Me Even kanssa oltiin
tänään kaupugilla ja laulettiin sun biisejä ja
syötiin synttäri jäätelöt sun kunniaks!
Hauskaa oli :'D Syö paljon täytekakkua
mun puolesta, kun en itse päässyt syö-
Rakastan sua, ja sä tiedät sen.
Rest in peace you little PeterPan.
"You will be missed by all your fans,
I clench my fists cause it's so hard to respect,
If I had the power to change one thing
It'd bring you back to me,
But life's not promised and that won't change,
I'm a meet you there some day
In this lifetime
I wanna thank you for showin' me the man in the mirror
In this lifetime
I wanna thank you, you motivated the whole world to deliver
We cry out of joy
We cry out of joy
We cry out of joy
We cry out of joy
We cry out of joy
We cry out of joy
We cry out of joy
We cry out of joy
You're so much more then a heart
Oh I wish the world could see you the way I did,
And I wish they witnessed how wonderful a dad you were to all your kids
And I noticed it didn't stop there
Saving children was one of your goals
Just donating all of your millions
So they could one day rule the world
In this lifetime
I wanna thank you for showin' me the man in the mirror
In this lifetime
I wanna thank you, you motivated the whole world to deliver
We cry out of joy
We cry out of joy
We cry out of joy
We cry out of joy
We cry out of joy
We cry out of joy
We cry out of joy
We cry out of joy
You're so much more then a heart
One word for the media
Please help the people see the love
Stop this garbage you're feeding us
Show him for who he really was
Remember there was more to come
Remember he's the chosen one
Remember him for wars he's won
Remember him for what he's done
In this lifetime
I wanna thank you for showin' me the man in the mirror
In this lifetime
I wanna thank you, you motivated the whole world to deliver
We cry out of joy
We cry out of joy
We cry out of joy
We cry out of joy
We cry out of joy
We cry out of joy
We cry out of joy
We cry out of joy
You're so much more then a heart
Rest in peace and harmony Michael
I love you man"