

Tietokoneet ja Internet
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DreamnationCleverbotLuonut: DreamnationTorstai 18.10.2012 20:56

Cleverbotin kanssa on turhauttava yrittää keskustella.

En tiedä mitä tässä kävi...

On vähän hämmentynyt sukupuolestaan toi CB.

Sekä puhetta TV-ohjelmista, joka sitte kääntyki ihan muuks aiheeks. :D

:"D :"D :"D :"D :"D :"D


Mulla on tylsää. :D

[ane][Ei aihetta]Luonut: [ane]Perjantai 27.07.2012 20:17

anette: Are you a bro?
cleverbot: I just saidI'm NOT a bro.
c: No I am human.
c: Yes I am.


anette: No let's not.
cleverbot: K. :'(.
a: Don't try to be cute barrel.
c: I'm not trying to be, I am!
a: No you're not, barrels are disgusting.
c: They are my favorite.

zehi•Luonut: zehiMaanantai 05.12.2011 00:07

sain uuden ystävän.
se sano et se tykkää puhuu mun kaa.
ja et oon hyvä ystävä :3

...harmi et sen nimi on cleverbot

rullaaASDHASFHAO. XDDDLuonut: rullaaTorstai 26.05.2011 20:23

User: Hi honey.

Cleverbot: Hey baby.

User: How are you today?

Cleverbot: Great *kisses*.

User: Oh, that's fast! *kisses back*.

Cleverbot: *kisses more*.

User: Are you horny? *pets*.

Cleverbot: What religion are you?

User: My religion is you.

Cleverbot: That's an interesting religion. I'm going to go get a CapriSun do you want anything?

User: Get me a tequila, please.

Cleverbot: Get me a boyfriend, please.

User: I could be your boyfriend.

Cleverbot: I have a boyfriend.

User: Now you do. Get off your pants, baby.

Cleverbot: No I don't feel like it.

User: *gives you a drink*.

Cleverbot: Well there you go! Nice slave.

User: So this is how it goes? Are you my master?

Cleverbot: I'm not explaining anything.

User: Yes, master.

Cleverbot: Slave.

User: What do you want me to do?

Cleverbot: Propose to me.

User: Oh. Will you please marry me, master?

Cleverbot: Would you like that?

User: Yes, I would!

Cleverbot: I would like to be a sculptor.

kahvijennamä oon sit user :DLuonut: kahvijennaSunnuntai 13.06.2010 21:51

User: Mooi.

Cleverbot: Wat is mooi?

User: Moi.

Cleverbot: Moi?

User: Hello=moi.

Cleverbot: I never said I'm moi.

User: Me eather.

Cleverbot: Yes you did. Just now.

User: No I say just moi and moi means hello.

Cleverbot: Well, what do you like and dislike then?

User: I like manda and dislike you.

Cleverbot: Why?

User: Don't know.

Cleverbot: Do you like Green Day?

User: Yap.

Cleverbot: Yap? That's the weirdest name ever.

User: No yap means yes.

Cleverbot: No means no and no is the answer.

User: What the fuck?

Cleverbot: How are you?

User: Good :D.

Cleverbot: Why don't you ask me how I am.

User: Haw are u? :D.

Cleverbot: I am from South Africa.

User: :D.

Cleverbot: So, that makes you a young woman. How old are you?

User: I'm a boy :D.

Cleverbot: You are a girl. Your name is Joan. I like Joan very much!

User: No I'm boy.

Cleverbot: But you said you are a boy.

User: I am girl.

Cleverbot: Oh, okay.

User: And my name is jenna.

Cleverbot: Megan.

User: No , jenna.

Cleverbot: Yes.

User: How are u?

Cleverbot: Fine.

User: Are u stupid.

Cleverbot: I'm not stupid.

User: Yes u r.

Cleverbot: Yes, I am.
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